Weight Watchers Chicken Parmesan Recipe from #SimpleStart

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I was given a free one month subscription to Weight Watchers to try their new Simple Start plan and write about my experience.Though I was compensated for my time and commitment, all views, positive and negative, are my own. Especially concerning the Chicken Parmesan Recipe. Yum!

Weight Watchers Chicken Parmesan Recipe from #SimpleStart

Last week I mentioned how excited I was to begin my new journey to a healthier me. I mentioned how I was really excited to be using the new Weight Watchers Simple Start app to get a jump start on choosing healthier foods. And so far it has been a fun ride! I also mentioned I would be trying out the awesome Chicken Parmesan recipe from the Simple Start app and telling you all about it. Well guess what? I am doing just that today!

But first, I’m going to share a few things I I have noticed, things that have been changing since I started using the Weight Watchers Simple Start program. It’s just a short little video.

YouTube video

Isn’t it just so amazing I’m already noticing changes in my energy and food cravings? I just love that. It makes it pretty easy to keep going on the Weight Watchers program when I can begin to feel so much better in such a short period of time. And the food actually tastes good, and I don’t feel like I’m doing a lot of restricting! That is a big bonus for me! If I feel like I am deprived, it makes me want the “no no food” that much more. But I haven’t gotten those urges. So that is pretty cool.

Now onto the great stuff! Let’s talk about that feeling of deprived. It’s not fun is it? That’s one of the things I absolutely love about the Weight Watchers Simple Start app. It has some amazing recipes that taste amazing! That yogurt with fresh fruit was delicious! And the loaded baked potato with Vegetable soup? Oh my goodness! I seriously felt like I was pigging out! This is not diet food, I kept telling myself.

Weight Watchers Chicken Parmesan Recipe from #SimpleStart
Weight Watchers Chicken Parmesan Recipe from #SimpleStart

And it’s not! It’s not diet food! It’s not something you choke down until you lose those unwanted pounds. It’s choosing healthier foods for a  healthier me! It’s a lifestyle change that can be long term! And it all tastes delicious and I feel satisfied!

Now let me share with you one of my favorites. I promised you I’d share about the Chicken Parmesan recipe. Oh it was delicious! And let me just say the husband absolutely loves me cooking these Weight Watchers Simple Start recipes. He says he is eating like a king! Lol.

So that is what the recipe calls for. You can swap out turkey breast in place of the chicken, and sauteed vegetables instead of the salad. You can also season your dish with some fresh garlic, red pepper flakes and fresh basil.

So, I didn’t exactly follow the recipe to a T. I made a few alterations just based on what we had on hand. It probably will alter the Points plus value of the dish. But that’s not what you focus on while running the Simple Start program, so I’m OK with that.

For cooking the chicken, I basically used our Italian baked Chicken recipe to precook the chicken breast. But I used 2 teaspoons coconut oil instead and cut out the salted seasonings. Then once the chicken was baked I drizzled the tomato sauce on top, and seasoned it with garlic pepper, Italian seasonings, onion flakes and red pepper flakes. Then topped with the cheese and baked just until the sauce was warm and the cheese was melted.

Weight Watchers Chicken Parmesan Recipe from #SimpleStart

Obviously my salad looks different too. I am not quite to the point where I can eat plain arugula yet. We are taking an Iceberg fan here and asking her to eat darker greens. It’s a hard adjustment. So I mixed the arugula with some hearts of romaine lettuce. Threw in carrots, a few sunflower seeds and the rest of the cheese since I didn’t put all that the recipe called for on the chicken.

Weight Watchers Chicken Parmesan Recipe from #SimpleStart

What I ended up with was a dish the husband liked so much he asked for it twice in one day! And has asked for it again the next day too. My taste buds were singing some pretty sweet praises too.

Overall, after one week there are two very happy adults in our house eating with the Weight Watchers Simple Start app.

Weight Watchers Chicken Parmesan Recipe from #SimpleStart

The kids….well….they claim there are too many green veggies and not enough sweets in the house. But that is probably a good change they will get used to.

Next week, I’m going to talk to you about breakfast and snacks! Seriously one of my hardest meals of the day and the hardest times to resist junk foods! The Weight Watchers Simple Start app has some very tantalizing choices for breakfast and snacks too! So don’t delay! Check out the Weight Watchers Simple Start app, and discover more amazing recipes like the Chicken Parmesan Recipe!

Looking for more great chicken recipes? Check out our popular Italian Baked Chicken and Salsa Slow Cooker chicken. Both made from Frozen Chicken! We also have a great Chicken Carbonara Recipe and Chicken and Potato Stuffed Croissants.



Weight Watchers Chicken Parmesan Recipe from #SimpleStart

Weight Watchers Chicken Parmesan Recipe from #SimpleStart

A delicious and complete meal from the Weight Watchers Simple Start app. with only 8 Weight Watchers points plus for the entire meal.


  • 3 OZ cooked boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 2 Tablespoons canned tomato sauce
  • 3 Tablespoons shredded fat free mozzarella cheese
  • 1/2 cups cooked whole wheat couscous

Side salad

  • 1.5 cups arugula
  • uncooked carrots
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 2 tsp vinegar


  1. Place the cooked chicken breast in a baking dish.
  2. Drizzle the tomato sauce over the chicken breast
  3. Sprinkle with seasonings to taste
  4. Sprinkle with Mozzarella cheese
  5. Bake in oven until cheese is melted and sauce is warm
  6. Serve with couscous and arugula side salad

Which Weight Watchers Simple Start recipes would you love to try?

Who wants a bite of the Chicken Parmesan Recipe right about now?

What are you doing to be a healthier you in the New Year?

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  1. That chicken parm looks SOOO good. It’s one of my all time favorite meals and hey, who wouldn’t like a healthier version of it, right?

  2. Yum! This looks amazing. I’m totally adding it to our menu this week. Love that you’re feeling so much better on the Simple Start program. You seem to be doing awesome!

  3. Oh, all of this looks amazing! I tried Weight Watchers once and gained 4 lbs., ha! (I think it has to do with the fact that I’m gluten-free and I was trying to substitute different things to make up for that – I’m pretty sure I messed it up!

  4. I have never been a chicken parm fan but it looks yummy! The meal ideas make me feel more positive about reworking my diet. Lots of choices so that I won’t feel like I am being restricted.

  5. That does look like a fantastic dish, and it is amazing how fast we start to notice energy and decreased food cravings when we start breaking old habits. I can totally relate. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. That chicken parmesan looks really good, and much healthier than normal chicken parm. I can eat everything on it on the diet that my husband is on right now, so I think I will be trying this recipe soon!

  7. That definitely looks good! I think I may try making it–the salad I may have to alter a bit–and I may use a fat free Mexican cheese to give it a little zing!

  8. That looks great – is that Quiona with the Chicken Parm? Just curious. I am waiting for reviews of their Fast Five that I have heard about this year. I started running last year to get healthy, this year I am adding in strength training and trying to eat healthier. Nutrisystem might be the way to go for me to help.

  9. Oooh, I love chicken parm! Seriously, everything looks so tasty! Definitely nothing like “diet” food!Weight Watchers is such a fabulous program. My aunt used them several years ago and lost a lot of weight!

  10. Its crazy how you did a post about this I just ate some last night & boy it was good, I will take this recipe & try it your way, thanks a lot for this.

  11. That food looks really great, Amber. I pinned this so I can get back and copy the recepies. And I love the fact that I can eat well but know that it won’t make me gain weight. Thank you!

  12. I did WW a few years back and was very successful on it until I had to go out of town. I could never shift my thinking out of the I WANT PIZZA mode… This chicken parm looks so yummy! I think I’ll try it out!

  13. That looks absolutely delicious! I totally get it when you talk about the soda; I’m a huge Dr. Pepper fan. But I haven’t really struggled with that too much, besides the night we went out on a date when I really wanted it but didn’t order it. I’ve honestly wanted water more. It’s been a nice change.

  14. The food looks delicious, with lots of different colors and plenty of great vitamins. My husband loves new chicken dishes and he would definitely enjoy this one.

  15. Pingback: Beginning a Fresh Start with Weight Watchers

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