DIY Spa: How to Create a spa environment at home with Essential Oils + DIY Spa Treatments

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DIY Spa: How to Create a spa environment at home with Essential Oils + DIY Spa Treatments

Everybody; man, woman and child need pampering every now and then. And I don’t know about you, but we definitely can’t afford to take off and go to the spa whenever we need some relaxation and down time. So in order to save some money but still experience some relaxation, we have some great DIY spa tips!

DIY Spa: How to Create a spa environment at home with Essential Oils + DIY Spa Treatments

Creating the environment for your own DIY Spa

Clean Location:  The first set is setting up the right environment. In order to relax you need a place that is clean. So step 1. Clean the room you want to use. I mean really; how relaxed can you get if you see your toddler’s toys strewn all over the floor, or their afternoon snack that they sneaked into the room crumbled over your carpet? It doesn’t need to be immaculate. Just clean enough that you can feel completely at ease in.

If you are planning a DIY Spa experience in the tub, a quick wipe down of the toilet and tub would probably be a nice gesture for yourself. Let’s face it, bathrooms can get gross. But a quick spritz with white vinegar and a quick wipe can turn the entire experience around. Not to mention killing any odor causing bacteria that may be lurking near the toilet. Trust me, you will feel much more relaxed with a fairly clean room for your DIY spa experience.

Perfect Lighting: Next you need the perfect lighting. Soft light is best for a relaxing atmosphere. If you are experiencing your DIY spa in the daytime, then draw the blinds or curtains to block out the bright day light. If at night, a great dimmer lamp is perfect for creating the perfect level of light. We bought one of these dimmer lamps for our living room years ago and I love it. We can manually adjust to any level of brightness. Not just the standard three click levels. It is perfect for creating the perfect level of light for a DIY Spa experience.

DIY Spa: How to Create a spa environment at home with Essential Oils + DIY Spa Treatments

Moisture, Scent and Sounds: Finally you need the perfect moisture, scent and sounds. Now you can achieve this using three separate means or my favorite way  is using a Serene House Angel Diffuser. An Angel diffuser is an ultrasonic essential oil scent diffuser. It doesn’t require any filters so it is easy to clean. And it puts off just the perfect level of cool mist humidity along with quality essential oils to create the perfect DIY spa environment.

DIY Spa: How to Create a spa environment at home with Essential Oils + DIY Spa Treatments

DIY Spa: How to Create a spa environment at home with Essential Oils + DIY Spa Treatments

The Angel Diffuser uses about a cup’s worth of water. And it lasts about 6 hours. I’m not certain the exact time as I often use it at night to help me sleep better with the essential oils and mist. I turn it on before I go to sleep and often is has automatically shut off by the time I get up in the morning. But the Husband said it was still running when he got up for school around 6 hrs after I started it. And it has an auto-shut off feature when the water level gets too low. Love that!

The Angel Diffuser uses LED lighting to create an elegant look and feel to your DIY spa room. Mine cycles through different colors and illuminates the frosted glass dome. It also has a built-in speaker that plays a stream of pre-programmed music through the internal speaker or you can play your own tune through your own device such as MP3, MP4, Phone or CD player.

DIY Spa: How to Create a spa environment at home with Essential Oils + DIY Spa Treatments


I personally love the soft sounds of the pre-programed music. The only down side is that I can’t control the volume level. The Angel II model actually comes with a remote that allows more control over the experience. I think I would love to eventually upgrade to the Angel II model. But for now I’m quite happy with the regular Angel Diffuser.

You also want to pick out quality essential oils to use in your oil diffuser. Serene House has a great variety that is perfect for a DIY Spa environment. I tried out the Natural Frankincense and Energy blend.

DIY Spa: How to Create a spa environment at home with Essential Oils + DIY Spa Treatments

Frankincense produces feelings of calmness and has an elevating, soothing effect on the mind. It is often used to relieve depression and grief.

Energy blend promotes strength and vitality. Its citrusy, cool and refreshing fragrance gives you a boost of energy whenever and wherever.

Both Essential oils have the same strength and quality of oils as the other more expensive brands I’ve tried in the past. And they truly have done amazing at helping to set up the DIY Spa environment. Or like I mentioned before, I often use them at night, or even just during a usual day to improve moods and energy levels. I always have my Angel Diffusing running. Always. It is still going strong after a full month of constant use. And I’m not even exaggerating that constant use.

DIY Spa: How to Create a spa environment at home with Essential Oils + DIY Spa Treatments

DIY Spa Treatments

After you have your environment set up; then it is time to experience the luxury of the DIY spa treatments. There are so many different things you can do! Maybe you have bribed your husband into giving you a much needed massage! Or maybe he bribed you into giving him one. Hey, men can love them just as much as women do.

So to help give you some ideas and instructions on how to accomplish them, I’ve turned to fellow bloggers for some of the best DIY spa treatments and proceedures! This will help you get the most out of your DIY spa experience! And if you are looking for something more along the lines of a DIY Spa exerience for more than just yourself, be sure to check out How to host a Spa party! Check them out!

DIY Spa: How to Create a spa environment at home with Essential Oils + DIY Spa Treatments

  • Detox Bath salts with Essential oils. Add these to your bath and you will experience the most luxurious bath!
  • DIY Pedicure Step by step instructions on how to get your feel looking Summer ready.
  • DIY Body Scrub. A great way to rejuvenate your skin.
  • Cinnamon Chai Scrub
  • DIY Sugar scrub
  • Avocado Face Mask
  •  DIY Sugar Scrub with essential oils -another great way to use the Serene House essential oils to match what is streaming from your oil diffuser.
  • DIY Body Wash with coconut milk.
  • Coconut Oil Hair mask, amazing results in this post!
  • DIY Lip balm – for use after you scrub all the old skin off with the Sugar scrubs.
  • Citrus Salt scrub – this is fantastic if you need a burst of energy. The salt is also very healing for irritated skin.
  • DIY Make-up Remover – because really, who wants to come out of a Spa experience with old makeup on? Yuck.
  • Anti-aging Avocado Face mask – use after you remove all the old makeup! Your skin will feel brand new afterwards.
  • DIY Manicure. You can pick from such a large variety of different manicure styles from our pinterest board. We have a huge collection there for you.

I’ve given you quite a bit to think about. Wow. That is a lot to get any DIY Spa experience going. I can’t wait to hear about your results!

And don’t forget about the importance of setting up the environment! Without the right environment you miss out on the full experience. And the Serene House Essential Oil diffusers are fantastic for helping to create the perfect environment! They have lots of different diffusers if the Angel model isn’t right for you. And they also carry a great line of quality essential oils to help ensure you have the perfect blend of invigorating or calming or health boosting oils in the air. You can learn more by visiting Serene House online.

DIY Spa: How to Create a spa environment at home with Essential Oils + DIY Spa Treatments Angel II Black

Want to win this Oil diffuser for free? Come enter our Serene House Essential Oil Diffuser Giveaway from 6/18/2013- 7/05/2013. We are offering a Serene House Angel II Essential Oil Diffuser and 1 essential Oi valued at $330! The giveaway will be open to USA & Canada excluding Hawaii, Territories and APO! And a quick hint; the first entry is to comment on this post, so be sure to leave a comment before heading over there so you don’t have to return. (Saying, “thanks for the giveaway” is not a valid comment entry for the giveaway).

How do you host a DIY Spa experience?

What are your favorite DIY Spa treatments?

Which essential oil blend would you most want to use for your DIY spa treatment?




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  1. I’ve never heard of this but so glad I looked further! Always interested in the spa effects! Trying to recreate has always been a “thing” for me & always love doing different things w my children like this!
    Thank you for showing this

  2. Your right about the feeling of a germ free bathroom.. makes me feel better too. A mask always makes me feel relaxed and I would love to try the energy mix because I’m always feeling drained!

  3. This diffuser sounds great. I would love to try it! I love DIY beauty regimens, they are great time and money savers!

  4. You outdid yourself on this post! I absolutely love the ideas of a clean area, the scents and sounds. I am taking notes on the post to implement them next time I get ‘me time’. Absolutely wonderful post!

  5. I love that cleaning up was part of the instructions. When the house is clean it just feels right to make it feel like a spa with lighting and scents.

  6. I need to have a spa day at home for me and the kids. They would love the pampering. Great idea!

  7. The spa is totally about the environment—this is perfect for recreating the experience at home. Great idea about the party, too.

  8. Wow! What a concept – doing something for me! We live in a teeny, crowded, apartment, but I bet I could use this in the bathroom with a lock and a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door. How I need some ME time. This diffuser sounds SO great – and I wouldn’t share it with a soul. A girl has to have SOMETHING for herself, right?

  9. Yes! Finally someone that mentions cleaning your surroundings as the first step in at home spa time! That’s the most important thing to me, I can’t relax otherwise. I really wanted to grab the Energy essential oil but it’s sold out at the moment 🙁 I’ve been looking for things to help me with my extreme fatigue days, which come quite often recently. I’ll check back soon so I can try it when it’s available again!

  10. Next time you come visit we need to do a spa party! We’ll make the guys take the kids, and we can pamper ourselves and relax with some oils! Oh, that would be wonderful.

  11. I have not been to the spa in YEARS!!
    I like to use oils for medicinal purposes and for mental clarity. This sounds like an amazing product.

  12. I love that diffuser. I love essential oils and use them for different things all over the house. I would love to get something like that.

  13. What a way to treat yourself! More frugal than going to a spa or if like me no spa close to come. I’d like to pamper myself too and never have to leave home!

  14. This is such a fun idea. We all should do something like this to pamper ourselves a little. Thanks for the A-Z instructions!

  15. this sounds so great. it would be so relaxing after a stressful day. i never get to go to any spas so this would definately be the next best thing.

  16. I truly beleive that the right scent can set a tone or mood in your life. I would love to try this system and see if it compares with some of the energy boosting scents I have found in the past.

  17. It’s funny that the first recommendation is ‘clean location.’ When I sit with a mask on and try and have a little ‘spa’ time I’m looking around the room at the children’s tub toys. Then I start noticing all the cleaning in the room that I should be doing instead of sitting. It’s not good for the mood for sure.

  18. this is awesome!! i love smellies all over my house!!! I LOVE DIY spa’s you gave me some great ideas!~~~

  19. Thank you for all the ideas. I’d love to win this. Maybe it would persuade me to use my bathtub more often to take some time for myself to relax. I’d love to have it around the house, too to help with moods.

  20. I love the review, to have one that would make the whole home smell good sound perfect! I have never heard of these.

  21. You make a great point about setting up the whole environment. That would make such a better experience.

  22. We have that exact lamp in our living room! I want to try to make the body scrub, they are way too expensive in the stores!

  23. Excellent Give-away! I need a diffuser!! My family and I use Essential Oils daily and would benefit from having a diffuser running in our house. I am definitely planning to try the Anti-aging Avocado Face mask!

  24. I like the idea of creating the perfect surrounding for an at home spa experience. I think it would enhance my experience but I’m not sure would feel as indulgent as a real spa.

  25. I really love that the Angel diffuser does not need any filters. This would be a great addition to my bedroom. I have been wanting a diffuser for a while!

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  26. I have never been to a spa before. I like the ideas you have. I would like to try the Avocado Face Mask.

  27. This post has such excellent instructions that I want to have a spa experience at home! Never been to a spa before.

  28. I make my own bath salts and change them up with the seasons. I like the Cinnamon Chai Scrub you have here.

  29. I actually have tons of essential oils, but no diffuser! I love them in DIY beauty stuff and even housecleaning, and I always wish the scent would linger longer, so a diffuser would be perfect! I would probably change scents constantly, but I image peppermint would smell so clean and refreshing, cinnamon orange would be a good fall/winter scent, and good to help keep colds away! 🙂

  30. I love essential oils and have been wanting a diffuser for a while. I can’t wait to try the DIY spa treatments.

  31. great ideas to set up a special day for my significant other she loves going to the spa , so I can do this at home for a special day for her.she would like the sugar scrub.

  32. These are really great ideas and tips. I just spent the entire day at a day spa yesterday, I left soooooo relaxed I don’t know why I don’t why I don’t take more me time!!

  33. I am an essential oil user and I don’t have a diffuser. This home spa looks wonderful and I would love to try the diffuser as well as the masks and scrubs!

  34. I love all these great tips on how to create a DIY spa at home! I am going to try this:) I have pinned it also:) THank u!

    jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

  35. My favorite DIY spa experience is to give myself a mani, pedi, and facial. I would boiled lemongrass and eucalyptus leaves in a pot and steamed my whole body so it would open up my pores – for a thorough cleaning

  36. These tips are so great! I’m going to try this for my girlfriend! Thanks for th post and thanks so much for the chance!

  37. I love this idea 🙂 And diffusing oils is amazing! It can just turn your whole day around so I agree it’s a MUST for a relaxing DIY spa!

  38. I’ve never seen a diffuser this nice. I love spa treatments. We love your blog!!!
    Thanks for the chance.

  39. I love making my own sugar scrubs & soaps! It’s very relaxing to make – and use!! Sidenote: Our veterinarian’s office has one of these in the waiting room and I think it relaxes both the pets and their owners!!

  40. tips on hosting a spa party i love the machine is quite a looker i kinda find it interesting just by the looks of it love the review

  41. I have never heard f this before but it looks really cool! I love that it lights up and has that high class spa look! And i love that it lasts 6 hours 🙂

  42. i’ve been wanting to do a spa day so bad either mother daughter or just gather all the girls and have one

  43. I so want to win this in-home spa experience! Before today I had never heard of Serene House Essential Oil diffusers, but I am already a fan.

  44. This sounds what I have been looking for. The light show sounds gorgeous. The scents sound like they would be soothing. I wish there was a scent with some vanilla in it. But this sounds like the perfect way to create a spa experience for me. Just need to add a footbath, some music, and a great lounge chair.

  45. This looks incredible, I love that it is not only a diffuser but also puts off the perfect level of humidity

  46. I really like your DIY list. I’ve made my own body and face scrubs in the past. I will have to try some of these out. I usually add some bubble bath or bath oil to my bath and have a few candles burning.

    The essential oil I would like for my DIY spa treatment is Rose

  47. Haven’t had a DIY home spa day but it is a great idea. You have given lots of helpful tips including having the room (spa space) clean and the right lighting. I think I need to start planning some home spa days.

  48. This diffuser looks fantastic! Thank you for all the tips. I love to try new spa treatments at home and I always use scented candles for perfect soft lighting.

  49. I have never had a DIY spa day, but you have given me a lot of good ideas. Now If I can figure out how to take a bath with out 2 kids 2 cats and a dog as an audience.

  50. I never think about giving my bathroom (my spa place) a rub down, or infusing the room with a scent for relaxation. These are great tips to go by and I’ll be adding a few of them to my routine.

  51. This is a great diffuser. My favorite feature has to be the automatic shut off so it can run at night. I love essential oils and this would allow me to use one to help me relax at night with out worry of a fire.

  52. This Serene House Angel II Essential Oil Diffuser would be really nice to win. I love the scent of lavender while I’m sleeping, so I would keep it on my nightstand. Thanks for having this contest.

  53. Great tips to create a DIY spa! We get so busy sometimes clutter builds up before we know it. It takes me a moment to figure out why we are so ill when we come home to that! This is something that would be great for couples to set aside some time each week to do together!

  54. What a great post with so many DIY tips. I will be pinning so I can find my way back here.

    Too bad I’m too late for the giveaway. I liked that LED effect.

  55. Getting to a professional spa can be difficult and expensive. These are great ideas for creating that environment at home and having an experience that is close to the real thing. It is always important to treat yourself every once in a while, any way you can.

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