How to have a Christ Centered Christmas w/ Little Lamb of Bethlehem
These Little Lamb of Bethlehem service activities are thanks to a donation from DeseretBook. All opinions are my own.
This Christmas Season, our family is excited to incorporate a new Holiday Tradition to enrich our Christmas Season. We’re all familiar with the popular Elf on the Shelf. But, no, that isn’t our new holiday tradition. Our family doesn’t have any interest in incorporating that exhausting tradition into our home.
While The Elf on the Shelf is a cute idea, it’s just one more hassle. One more stress in the already stressful and busy Holiday season. It’s one more “have to do” that focuses our kids on Santa and getting presents. Instead of the real meaning behind Christmas.
If you are a Christian home, like us, you probably understand my reservations.
How do we as a Christian home pull back and put our focus where it is meant to be when we are constantly bombarded with messages encouraging us to focus on getting and having the biggest, best presents?
Buy, Buy, Buy.
Get, Get, Get.
Spend, Spend, Spend.
Me, Me, Me.
Mine, Mine, Mine!
Christmas is a circus of retailers all battling for our dollar. And besetting our children with a focus solely on wanting every toy in the display window.
The last few years, I have really struggled to get into the Christmas Spirit. Which has really bothered me, because Christmas is my favorite Holiday of the year!
I love the Christmas Fragrances, the lights, the beauty, and the spirit of Christmas. But that spirit has been lacking lately. It’s hard to get into the spirit of Christmas when our focus is centered on the gifts under the tree instead of on the greatest gift we’ve ever been given.
Because of this, our family it trying a new approach this year. We are putting our focus back on Christ and the spirit of Christmas. Watch our Video to see how we are bringing the focus of Christmas back to enrich our family.
Click the Play box to begin the Video.
Or you can watch it on Youtube HERE.
This adorable Little Lamb of Bethlehem kit is just like the Elf on the Shelf, but instead of being good so they can get presents, the Little Lamb helps our family be more service minded.
The kit comes with an amazingly soft plush lamb and a beautifully illustrated book that tells the story of the nativity from the Little Lamb’s perspective. It also includes scriptures to enrich the story.
Unlike Elf on the Shelf, the Little Lamb of Bethlehem is meant to be played with and become part of your home.
That’s right, your little ones can cuddle, love, and even sleep with this adorable Little Lamb.
With Elf on the shelf, you have to find a new creative idea to hide the elf every single night. Instead with Little Lamb, you participate in service activities together as a family. And you don’t have to do it every night.
You can do Little Lamb activities once a day, twice a week, once a week, or bi-weekly. Whatever works best for your family schedule.
And don’t worry if you can’t think of service ideas for your family to do together. The Little Lamb of Bethlehem website has a whole slew of ideas for you!
They have adoption certificates so you can name your little Lamb. They have a letter from the Little Lamb for your family. And they even have daily service calendars set up for you to print off and use.
My kids like to be a little more hands-on, so I created easy to use Little Lamb Service Activities Printables to use that all comes in one PDF file, so you will have access to all three pages.
Like I said in the video, you can use these to have a fun surprise grab-bag method of selecting your service activity for the day. Or you can simply print it out and tape onto the wall and mark each activity off as you go.
I even include a blank sheet so you can write your own ideas that fit best with your family!
Our Printables are free to our Subscribers. Sign up for our Newsletter and receive your printables to download.
Get our FREE Little Lamb Activities Printable Below!
Find all kinds of fun ideas for using the Little Lamb of Bethlehem for creating a Christ-Centered Christmas on the Little Lamb website.
You can purchase the Little Lamb from
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