Christmas Countown Chain
Christmas is around the corner! I love it. Just love it. It’s one of my favorite times of the year because of all the great things we get to do together as a family.
This is a fun take on the basic countdown chain. It’s a Christmas Activity Countdown Chain!

It’s so easy and fun. We all learned how to make paper chains in kindergarten. But in case you need a refresher course, simply cut strips of red and green paper. Make a loop, and seal it closed (tape or staple). Thread the next slip of paper through the first loop and close. Continue until you’ve completed the chain.
A fun twist on this tradition is to put a favorite holiday activity on each slip of paper. Then, every day you can remove the paper and do the activity, making the last few weeks before Christmas a lot of fun!

Here are some of my favorite things:
Watch your favorite Christmas movie
Make cookies
Drive around to look at lights
Have hot cocoa with marshmallows
Make a snowman
Sing Christmas songs
Read the Nativity story in the Bible
Sing the 12 Days of Christmas
Take treats to a friend
Wear green and red today
Do something nice for someone today
Eat treats before dinner
Have popcorn and listen to Christmas music
Send a text message to tell someone you’re thinking of them
Go to a Christmas Party
Invite your friends over to act out the Christmas Story
Snuggle in a blanket and read your favorite Christmas story
Open presents!
It’s a simple way to bring a bit of Christmas spirit into your every day. The kids love seeing what we get to do that day. You can easily rig it so if you know you’re going to a Christmas party on a certain day, you can put that on the right slip of paper. So you’d say the chain ends on Dec 25th (open presents day), then the chain before that is the 24th, then the one before that is the 23rd, etc. So if you’re going to a party on the 20th, you just make sure you put the slip on the right day.

You could also let your kids pick their favorite Christmas activity or activities to write on the slips of paper, and make the chain without peeking. The the activities are a surprise!

Another fun variation is to do winter colors (white and light blue, etc) and put winter activities. You can make a countdown to the start of school during the Christmas break. Then the kids have something fun to do every day!

Merry Christmas! May your holiday season be filled with love and Light.
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