Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

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Thank you to Betty Crocker for sponsoring our easy Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups post and helping me #SpreadCheer this season!

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

One of my favorite memories is baking Christmas Cookies with my mom. We would make easy holiday treats and deliver them to family and close neighbors. This is just one of the ways my mom was amazing and helped to spread cheer around the holidays. And so I’m going to show you how to make some super easy Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups so you can help spread cheer too!

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

Easy Sugar Cookie Cups

With a new baby around, I don’t often get a lot of time to spend in the kitchen. But the kids are still looking forward to all the holiday fun of baking and sharing with the neighbors. It is a tradition my mom always had. And I have carried that tradition on with my family. The kids all know that we make Christmas Treat plates for neighbors around Christmas.

So while debating how I was going to pull off all the baking, I came across the awesome movement from Betty Crocker to help Spread Cheer. It is so simple! Simply make up a plate of cookies with the easy Betty Crocker cookie mixes. Deliver your cookies to a neighbor and share your photo of you sharing online with the hashtag #SpreadCheer  and that’s it! Told you it was simple!

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

With my little helper, we mixed up a batch of Sugar Cookies and Chocolate Chip cookies.

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

It is so simple to include the kids when holiday baking with the Betty Crocker Cookie Mixes. Simply add the mix, egg and butter. Then mix.

For the Sugar Cookie Cups I used a cookie scoop to portion out the sugar cookies into a mini cupcake pan.

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

Then using the back of the cookie scoop I pressed down the center to create a cup shape.

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

Then bake according to the directions.

When you remove the cookies from the oven, gently press the back of the cookie scoop into the center of the cookies again to make sure they keep the cup shape.

Cool for 1 minute in the pan and then transfer to a cooling sheet.

Allow to cool thoroughly.

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

Then fill with my favorite homemade Raspberry Filling. And then top off with chocolate shavings. And that’s it! It is so simple, easy and yet very effective in making a delectable holiday cookie.

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

For the Chocolate chip cookies after I mixed them up, I turned the kids loose to decorate with some holiday colored chocolate candies.

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

Once all the cookies were baked and cooled, then simply transfer them to a paper plate or cookie treat box.

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

And then stop over and print off your free Gift Tags Printables!

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

Simply attach the gift tags to the cookies.

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

Then recruit your kids to help make the delivery. This is a great way to help them experience service and giving at this special time of the year.

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

Then go deliver them to someone special!Be it a neighbor, a friend, or a teacher. Just someone who may need some cheer this holiday. It is so simple to spread cheer this holiday season. And yet it makes such a difference to the recipient and to you the giver!

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

Be sure to download the free #SpreadCheer printables so you can save on Betty Crocker products next time you hit the store and #SpreadCheer in your own neighborhood!

Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups Easy Holiday Treats

Who would you Spread Cheer to with our Raspberry Filled Sugar Cookie Cups?

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  1. My in-laws have had us to stay for the holidays and I want to give them a delicious Christmas treat to show how much I appreciate them!

  2. I’d Like to spread cheer to all of my relatives. I’ve always enjoyed being with them during the holiday season.

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  4. Visit Betty Crocker Site THEN comment below With who you will be spreading cheer to!

    pretty much just want peace and quiet and be alone thanks

  5. I want to spread cheer to my local vet clinic. I want to thank them for taking such great care of my best friend.

  6. I absolutely love your pictures for this raspberry spread cheer review. The kids involvement is adorable. Reminds me a lot of how I used to spread holiday cheer when we were a young family. (We’re an “old family” now with kiddies grown with grown kiddies of their own now. I used to make lots and lots (from scratch) cookies using a cookie press and share them with neighbors and family. I would decorate plastic containers with bits of lace, rickrack, buttons, etc. to create ruffles, hats, etc on these containers making them appear to be snow ladies, etc. I spread a bit of cheer these days with my family that includes 13 grands, 1 great-grand, my 5 and their spouses.

  7. We have an elderly couple across the street who are very generous with the tomatoes and okra they grow in their yard. I will be Spreading the Cheer to them this holiday season.

  8. I would like to spread cheer to my neighbors. We are pretty new to the neighborhood and don’t really know them yet. I think it would be a great way to help break the ice and spread a little Christmas kindness.

  9. We like to #spreadcheer to the local nursing homes and police and fire stations. Just a little way to let them know others are thinking of them.

  10. There’s an older gentleman in the neighborhood. I don’t know his name, and he doesn’t know mine, but we always chat while I am walking my dogs. We also wave to each other if one of us is driving by. He’s a widower and has an adorable dog, Pumpkin. (I know. I am terrible for knowing the dogs name but not his, in my defense he knows my dogs names too!)

    So. This spreading of cheer is a great.excuse for me to formally introduce myself.

  11. I will be spreading cheer to my co-workers. Here is a link to my post—https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=571622949661847&set=a.204164169741062.1073741826.100004424406193&type=3&theater

  12. I will be spreading cheer to my niece and nephew when they come over for Christmas. I got them some really good gifts this year 🙂 And we are going to bake some cookies on Christmas Eve!

  13. I will be spreading cheer to our neighbor next door. She is in her 80′ and will be so happy when we surprise her with cookies!

  14. I’ll be spreading cheer with my cousin this year, just graduated from duke and can’t get a good job.

  15. I will “spread cheer” with my little grandson. He loves to help me bake and then take baked goods to my elderly neighbors.

  16. I’ll be spreading cheer with extended family who are flying in for the holiday (and to see their first grandson/great grandson).

  17. I will spread cheer by making cookies with a bunch of sweet girls to take to the nursing home. This will be so much fun for all of us. Thank you

  18. We have baked goods in my office all the time. Just yesterday someone brought carrot cake saying “this spot was too empty” So chances are I’d bring them to work.

  19. I could spread some cheer to my neighbors by making some of the chocolate chip Christmas cookies. Bakes goods are always a hit and great for anyone you may have missed on your list.

  20. Buckeye Delights look delicious. I think I would like to spread cheer and make them for my work mates and neighbors.

  21. I will be sharing cheer with our new neighbors, we just moved here and got lucky with some nice nieghbors.

  22. I have been spreading cheer at work by bringing cookies not only for my coworkers, but for our vendors too. I brought cookies once a week from Thanksgiving until Christmas.

  23. i would spread the joy with my parents. they are both retired and don’t get out much so they would be happy when i arrive to spread the joy.

  24. I will be spreading cheer to senior citizens at the local nursing home. The school I work for lets us walk the kids to visit and bring treats.

  25. My daughters and I spread the cheer with all of our neighbors. We spend the day baking and the give home made goodies to them.

  26. I spread cheer to a few elderly neighbor ladies. I made them cookies and fudge. They lit up like lights just to have company for the holiday.

  27. I’ll be spreading cheer to our elderly neighbors. My husband and I have become good friends with them. The wife doesn’t cook a lot anymore, and she really appreciates the goodies we take over to them.

  28. I will be spreading the holiday cheer with my parents this year. They don’t get out much anymore and so I would like to do this for them.

  29. I’ll be spreading cheer to family members. Some live far away and some live nearby. We always bake things for them at the holidays.

  30. I spread cheer with family and friends. This year I made the cookies and instead of making peanut butter cookies from scratch. Used the Betty Crocker Peanut Butter cookie miss and added the chocolate kisses to make the peanut butter blossoms. They were my mom’s favorite.

  31. I will be spreading cheer to my mom this year. We both have had a rough year and could use some cheering up :).

  32. I will be spreading cheer to my children, my grandkids and my 2 great grandchildren. Some of my neighbors will also be getting some cookies and treats

  33. I would spread joy by making the Peanut Butter Cookie Truffles and Salted Toffee Bars for my close friends, one of my next door neighbor’s who is the sweetest woman, and my family.

  34. How do I spread cheer? Hopefully by being kind to everyone I meet and helping my family and friends. I work really hard at it too.

  35. I would love to spread the cheer with my nieghbors! The betty crocker Peanut Butter Cookie Truffle recipe looks delicious!

  36. We spread cheer this Xmas by making Christmas cookies for family, friends, & neighbors…mostly sugar cookies & gingerbread men !

  37. My son Is just starting to eat and I have lots of treats I want him to try (after veggies of course). He brings me a lot of cheer!

  38. will be spreading cheer with my mom when I visit her soon! baking cookies together sounds like a great idea

    Kathryn C

  39. I spread Christmas cheer by giving tins full of homemade treats to my hubby’s two physical therapist’s. They loved them! I also gave a bag of treats to another patient receiving therapy!

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