Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

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SKINNY No Fry Weight Watchers Apple Fritters recipe is simple & delicious. With fresh apple slices and easy pancake batter, it makes a healthy breakfast & only 3 Points plus on the Weight Watchers Program!

This Apple Fritters Pancakes Recipe was created as part of a relationship in which I was sponsored by Weight Watchers, all views, positive and negative, are my own. 

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

This post originally published Jan 19, 2015, it has been updated with new techniques to make your recipe experience better than ever!

In 2015, I began my journey, trying to reclaim my health, lose a little weight and to have more energy and feel better. I chose to use Weight Watchers to jumpstart my journey.

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

First beginning with a fresh start. And then experiencing the amazing personal coaching from Weight Watchers. And the food! There is no gimmick or secret to using the Weight Watchers program. It’s simply eating great food and making sure you keep within your allotted points.

I mean, I can even enjoy amazing no fry apple fritters and still be on plan! How awesome is that?

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Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

You all know I’m a foodie! And it’s because of the food choices, that I really like Weight Watchers! It can be so effective and versatile to help anyone! Because…

You use real food.

Real food that you actually like!

Food that you adore! Food that you cook. You learn how to cook for yourself in a better way. You also learn proper portions. And at the same time you don’t feel deprived because yes, you can have that piece of chocolate or that bacon that you miss.

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points PlusSo do you have to give up all your food vices with Weight Watchers?


You all know my obsession with Dr Pepper. Do I have to give it up on Weight Watchers?

Oh goodness no!

I love the stuff. But there is this little thing called “moderation”.

What a concept, right? No more 3- 20 oz bottles a day. No. You have to ensure you get proper meals. You can have a nice 12 oz can maybe 2-4 days a week. You don’t have to give it up completely. Just find a healthier balance

Which is why I think Weight Watchers is a program that can work for so many people. It offers you real delicious food. Without depriving you of the foods you love.

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

And speaking of food! I promised you an Apple Fritters recipe!

There are so many Weight Watchers Recipes out there. And you will find they are actually quite delicious! And this No Fry Skinny Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe is one of my favorites!

Even when I’m not looking to “lose weight” we still enjoy this one because it is just plain yummy.

This is one that I cook for my entire family. If you are cooking it for just you, or just 2; go ahead and cut it in half.

I first made these apple fritters over a Christmas holiday break. And my kids loved it so much they ask for it all the time now.

I am going through apples like they are candy. But I don’t mind. It is quite delicious and rather filling too!

Basically, you mix up the batter by combing the dry ingredients. Then adding in the wet.

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

Then mix. It will be the consistency of crepe batter. Very runny.

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

Then shred up the apples. I like to use the same Mini Salted Caramel Apple pies method as my Mini Salted Caramel Apple pies. You can peel them or leave the skins on. Your choice. But definitely, remove the core.

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus You want small thin bits of apples to go in the batter.

My kids love the method with an Apple Peeler, Slicer, and Corer. They love to help slice the apples by cranking that handle. It’s their favorite part! My kids fight over who gets to help me peel and slice when I use mine. 

Then gently fold the apples into the batter.

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

Next heat up a griddle. We use an electric griddle so I can cook up a lot of Apple Fritters all at once.

Very lightly spray with coconut oil spray. And I mean lightly. It doesn’t need much, just a light spritzing.

Spoon the batter onto the griddle in 16 even portions. Well, obviously you can’t get 16 portions on the griddle at once, so try to keep the portions all the same. Do the best you can to get 16 apple fritters pancakes.

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

You will notice the apple fritter pancake batter starts to run. That’s normal.

Be sure to space the apple fritters apart. And you will need to help spread the apple shreds once you dish out the batter onto the griddle, or else all the apples will be clustered in the center.

Cook for a few minutes until the underside is golden and the top is no longer a runny liquid. Then flip.

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

Cook for another 2-3 minutes until the other side is golden.

Then remove and top with a very light dusting of powdered sugar. I like to use a sugar shaker so it dispenses the powdered sugar into a light dusting.

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

You can also top with other fruit if you would like, as those are 0 point foods and you can add as many of those on top as you want without changing the points plus value.

Each Apple Fritter is 3 Points plus each for the Weight Watchers program!

My kids eat these apple fritters pancakes like they are candy. And they are now one of the most requested meals we have in our house.

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

See, you don’t have to give up great tasting food to get healthier with Weight Watchers.

Being such a foodie, I am loving the amazing flavors I can create.


Yield: 16

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

A delicious apple fritters pancake recipe.

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • 1 cup white flour
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup fat free milk
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 teaspoon powdered sugar
  • 3-4 medium or large Fuji apples


  1. Combine flour, sugar and salt in a bowl
  2. add in eggs, milk and vanilla
  3. mix until very smooth and runny consistency
  4. skin, pit and shred up the apples
  5. fold in the apples into the batter
  6. very lightly spray a cooking griddle with coconut oil
  7. spoon batter onto griddle in 16 even portions and cook like pancakes
  8. Flip and cook another few minutes to ensure center is cooked through and apples are softened.
  9. Remove
  10. Top with a light dusting of powdered sugar


Each Fritter is 3 Points Plus EACH on the Weight Watchers program. 


Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus


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Apple Fritters Pancake Recipe Weight Watchers 3 Points Plus

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  1. I don’t follow any specific diet plan, but I do try to watch my calorie intake, so I will DEFINITELY be trying these. They sound awesome and I love that they are healthy ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I might have to give Weight Watchers a try. They have a really great approach to weight loss, and I love this app. I lost about 30 pounds a couple of years ago, and I’ve put back on about 10 of it. That may seem like no big deal, but it puts me at almost 230 pounds. O_O

  3. That’s great that you can still eat regular food. I think that definitely helps people be much more successful. Those apple fritter pancakes look good. Thanks for sharing.

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  6. in the Apple Fritter Pancakes what size ladle (1/4 cup) and what is the serving size (1 or 2)??? I made these and I loved them but I think mine were a little bigger & it’s just me & hubby so I halved the recipe!!

    1. The recipe makes 8 servings. So you can adjust how much you pour out with each ladle. I am known as a dump cook. Taught by my Mom and Grandma, we just sort of “DUMP” everything out and not too particular on measurements.

  7. Apples being my favorite fruit I wanted to try something out with apple that would also fit in my diet. And here it is. Thank you so much for this recipe I am going to try this now as I am up for making something special and different with apple.I may also make some modifications and if that works out I’ll share it you Amber.

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