Star Wars Lightsaber Candy Wrapper Party Favor

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May the Force be with you as you create a sweet Star Wars Lightsaber Candy Wrapper Craft with Smarties! This is the perfect DIY candy activity for all Star Wars rebel and empire fans, kids, and adults alike. They pair perfectly with our Star Wars Valentines Cards, are great halloween handouts, and the perfect party favor for the classroom, party games, or a Star Wars themed party!

multiple handmade star wars themed wrapped smarties candies to look like lightsabers on a black background

What do you do when your kids are crazy about Star Wars? Channel their inner Jedi with this easy Star Wars Lightsaber craft that doubles as a sweet treat! There are lots of situations that ask for “gift handouts” from kids like Halloween, class party, Valentine’s day, etc. So what is something that won’t break the bank, yet still fun that kids can bring to class and hand out? That’s when I had the idea to combine a favorite allergy-free candy like Smarties with Star Wars!

🍬 Why Smarties?

Although we don’t personally have to deal with many food allergies; I still like to keep a stash of treats that are known to have less food allergy reactions with kids in case any of my kid’s friends happen to have a food allergy I don’t know about.

Smarties Lightsaber Halloween Craft Tutorial #IAmASmartie

Plus with food allergies in my kid’s classrooms, I keep a supply on hand for when they need treats in the classrooms. Smarties are one of the best known low allergy candy available.

But more than that, Smarties are the perfect size and shape for the center of a lightsaber candy wrapper handout. Other candies I’ve seen used (such as full size candybars and a roll of sweettarts) are far too big to pair with a Valentine Card that kids hand out. And they are also not as cost effective. These are the perfect small size that pairs perfectly with a Valentine’s Day Card, or to fit into a class treat bucket!

free printable Star Wars Valentine's Day cards, featuring cute cartoon versions of Leia, R2-D2, Yoda, and Luke holding lightsaber treat handouts with playful Valentine's puns.

🧵 Supplies Needed for the Lightsaber Candy Wrapper

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One thing that makes this lightsaber craft great is that it is easy and inexpensive. You can easily grab all the supplies at a Dollar Tree, or any discount store usually for only a few dollars. This craft cost me just a little over $4 since I already had the scissors and tape.

A grouping of supplies for making lightsaber candy wrappers including red, green and blue napkins, scissors, tape, lightsaber hilt template and smarties candies on a white background

You will need:

✍🏻 Instructions

Create the Hilt: Download and print the Lightsaber wrap template in color on White paper. Cut each hilt out.

Assemble Simple Smarties Saber: A simplified version is to simply use the Smarties candy and the lightsaber hilt.

A Smarties Saber is simply adding the Lightsaber wrap on the Smarties without giving it a colored blade. Bend and tape down one twist end of the candy.

A closeup image of the end of an American smarties candy with the twisted end folded under being held by a thumb and forefinger.

Wrap the Lightsaber wrap around the Smarties candy and tape. Ta-Da, you now have a Smarties Saber!

An American smarties candy  on a white background with a star wars hilt pattern wrapped around one end on a white background

These are fun if you still want people to see what the candy is, or if you are pressed for time. But we wanted to make a full Lightsaber craft treat.

To do this you simply add a layer of colored napkins.

Create the Blade:

Take any solid-colored thick dining napkin, unfold, and simply cut a section that is wide enough for the Smarties, and long enough just to wrap once around the Smarties with a little extra.

A smarties candy laying on top of a piece of green napkin ready to be rolled up. on a white background.

Wrap the Blade: Take a small piece of tape and fold it into a circle (or if you took my previous suggestion just use some double stick tape) place it in the center of the candy and line it up with the edge of the napkin.

Place another roll of tape on the other end of the napkin piece. Then simply roll so the entire smarties candy is rolled up into the napkin.

The tape on the Smarties themselves will hold the one end of the napkin in place and keep it taut and then the tape on the napkin at the other end will automatically seal itself once you roll the Smarties over it.

Image depicting the step where the smartie is wrapped in a green napkin sitting on a white background

Add a Blade Hilt:

Now take the Lightsaber hilt wrap and place rolls of tape on both of the length ends. You will be rolling the Smarties into this wrap just like you rolled them into the Napkin.

The back side of the lightsaber hilt template with tape on both ends sitting on a white background.

Keeping the thicker black edge closer to the center of the Smartie, yet still allowing plenty of room for the paper to cover the end of the Smarties, simply roll the Smarties into the Lightsaber hilt wrap, then you are finished!

A completed green lightsaber candy wrapper on a white background

Simple, easy, Super cute, and lots of fun for the kids! You now have a Smarties Lightsaber craft!

Simply repeat this process for each Smarties candy roll until you have used up all the candy or you have enough for each child.

multiple handmade star wars themed wrapped smarties candies to look like lightsabers on a black background

These are fantastic for Halloween Treats, Class Parties, Birthday Party treats, Valentine’s Day, Star Wars Day in May, or just for fun!

Don’t forget to mix up and make different colors!

And now watch your kids (and maybe even your husband) light up with excitement as they have fun making and sharing their new Lightsaber craft that doubles as a treat!

These are also perfect for a Star Wars Movie party!

So keep this Bookmarked and PINNED and keep coming back and make new Lightsaber Craft for a new movie party each time!

Download the Free Lightsaber Hilt Printable Here!

multiple handmade star wars themed wrapped smarties candies to look like lightsabers on a black and white background

Remember to pin these Star Wars Lightsaber Candy Wrappers to Pinterest! 
Use the button on the Printable create card or the share buttons on the side or bottom of this page.

Yield: 30 Lightsaber Candy Wrappers

Star Wars Lightsaber Candy Wrapper Party Favor

multiple handmade star wars themed wrapped smarties candies to look like lightsabers on a black background
Prep Time 5 minutes
Active Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Difficulty Easy


  • Dinner Napkins in Red, Blue, and Green
  • Lightsaber Hilt Template Printable (see blog post for link)
  • American Smarties Candies
  • Scotch Tape


  • Scissors


  1. Print the Lightsaber Hilt template and cut out each hilt
  2. Take one of the solid-colored, dinner napkins and open it up; then cut a strip broad enough to fit the Smarties and long enough to encircle them with a slight overlap.
  3. Place a piece of tape at the end of the napkin, place the Smarties candy at the opposite end of the napkin, and then roll up the Smarties towards the piece of tape. When you are done it will be secure and the entire Smarties candy will be covered in a colored napkin.
  4. Add the Hilt: Place a piece of tape on the inside of the lightsaber hilt template and roll around one end of the Smarties candy on the outside of the napkin.
  5. Secure any loose spots with a little more tape.


For a quick version, just tape one end of the candy, and wrap the lightsaber template cut-out around one end, and tape it in place. It will look like a smarties candy with a star wars hilt without the napkin.

This craft is easy enough that the kids can be involved in the entire process. No need for the parent to do all the work for the Lightsaber handouts!

Use these Star Wars Lightsaber Candy Wrapper Party Favors for all kinds of fun including:

  • Valentine's Day Handouts
  • Star Wars Party Favors
  • Birthday Party Favors
  • Halloween Treat Handouts
  • Classroom treats

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  1. That is too cute and so easy to make too. I like how Smarties are good for kids with allergies since my children seem to actively try to find allergies!

  2. These are so cute, my son happened to be peeking over my shoulder and yelled “can we make those?” – my little Star Wars Junkie

  3. My kids love Smarties. We love to use them to decorate our Gingerbread Houses. It’s good to know that most kids with allergies don’t have any trouble with Smarties. My son LOVES Star Wars. He’s going to be so happy when I buy some Smarties for him to make light sabers with!

  4. Very well done!! I love Smarties and they make awesome treats. The DIY project looks fun and great for older kids to make. Thanks for sharing.

  5. We are huge smarties fans here too and I never knew they were a good allergy free candy! Guess what I will be passing out this Halloween! :o) I love your craft too! You explained it so well, I may have to try it for my Nephew, who is a star wars fan! Thanks so much!!

  6. that is such a cute craft idea!!! Something my 5 yr old can do…which is nice! I also checked out the website and thought that the wedding favors were very cool! I didn’t even know smarties had a website! lol And games for kiddos! My son is watching the lorax right now but once it’s over I’m gonna let him play a couple games on the smarties site! And I never thought about food allergies! I think I might give out a mix of smarties and chocolate this year…just an option for those with allergies. We don’t have allergies in our family, so i never think of that!

  7. I have actually taken a needle and pushed a hole through the middle of the smarties and sting them together to make a candy necklace or bracelet with them. I do love the Star Wars theme.

  8. How awesome! I did not know they make Giant Smarties! WIll have to get me some!! We also love the candy necklaces!! Jewelry you can eat, can’t go wrong!:) lol

  9. I love the smarties candy necklaces. My grandchildren love these and we buy often for them. We also give out at school for my grandsons class for various holidays because they all love them.

  10. I love ALL Smarties because they are gluten free and aren’t manufactured in a facility that also produces nuts or dairy. We have food allergies here.

  11. After seeing this project, my kids and I are going to make a candy house out of Smarties for our Halloween party.

  12. I love the lightsaber smarties! They’re so cool! I was also surprised to learn that Smarties Candy Company is 62 years old! I didn’t know Smarties had been around that long.

  13. My favorite products are the Mystery Smarties (I have never heard of those), and Smarties Pops. I remember having those, or something like it, when I was a kid. My kids really like Smarties, they always seem to be the first to go out of the trick or treat bowl in the kitchen.

  14. What a cute idea. We’re always looking for craft ideas for my kids. Plus what’s more fun than crafting and enjoying treats at the same time. My kids love Smarties just like I did as a kid and still love them ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. โ€œJust Marriedโ€ Love Hearts in bulk, case of approx. 970 rolls I love these With my daughter getting married these would be too cute~ They have so many different products now

  16. I seriously LOVE what you have done with your Smarties!! Light sabers….simply GENIUS!! I mean, what kid doesn’t like light sabers?!!? Alright, maybe there’s tons of them but I still think this is cool….!!

    And as to what product I like…hmm, lets see: Ha, my husband would LOVE the Mega Smarties!!

  17. These look a little tedious to make, yet I think the kids would love them. THey can play swords, football, etc. with anything. They are certainly more creative than we are.

    1. Honestly, once you get the pieces cut out; they don’t take much time at all to make. And if you enlist the help of the kids, it goes even faster. My kids love doing it.

  18. I like this craft it seems like the kids could easily do this for their classmates.
    My mom always loved Smarties & saw to it that we gave them away for halloween too.

  19. I’m not sure who’d have more fun with these, my 3 years old or my husband! Lol he’s big into Star Wars so I know he’d love to make the lightsabers. I love that Smarties are still around after all of these years, I remember eating them when I was younger! I think it’s great that the candy is gluten-free and safe for people with Celiac Disease. Luciky we don’t have to worry about that, but I know many people who do.

  20. I checked out the Smarties website… I had NO idea that there were so many different kinds and flavors! The Gummy Smarties would be fun to try!

  21. I absolutely love Smarties! My daughter and I could eat a whole bag in one sitting but of course we don’t. Lol! This is the coolest craft idea.Thanks for sharing. I’d love to try the Double Lollipops. Thank you for the super awesome giveaway! ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. I didn’t know they made other kinds of smarties. I’d love to try the tropical ones. I’d bring them to work to share

  23. I think your light saber craft is brilliant, I want to be a crafty person and I try, but I have no creative mind when it comes to imaging new and interesting ideas!

    Personally, I would love to try those sour smarties, I’ve never seen those before! My kids could eat 1,000 smarties a day if I let them

  24. I didn’t realize they made Smarties Lollipops, I want to try the Mega Tropical ones! Also they’re vegan which is cool to know.

  25. I want to try the xtreme sour smarties. I never realized there were so many different types of smarties, they are one of my favorite candies. Excited about this giveaway.

  26. My oldest son is grown now and his favorite candy since he was very small was Smarties. When he moved away from home I slipped a bag of Smarties and a note in the seat of his car for the trip.

  27. Those light sabers are adorable. I love Lollies suckers. They remind me of being a kid and being pregnant with my first. I could do nothing but think of them and even dream about them. I couldn’t find them and please don’t disappoint a pregnant woman! My husband searched and we found them at a small mom and pop candy store. Thank Goodness.

  28. this is a great inexpensive party favor. i love the idea, my son loves star wars and i have been thinking about throwing him a themed birthday party

  29. This is way cute! I bet kids would love these. The closest thing I’ve ever done is take a sucker of some sort and put a Kleenex on it and make a little ghost, haha.

  30. Smarties have been a favorite of mine for many years. The allergy info is great to know and I love your cute craft idea. Thanks.

  31. I love the original Smarties Pops and use to eat them until my mouth would get sore. I still love them but not many stores sell them where I live at.

  32. Those lightsabers are so cute! I would try to incoorporate them somehow in a baby shower im throwing. Possibly as shower gifts? not sure

  33. I like to make use smarties when I decorate gingerbread houses at Christmas. They are the perfect size for decorating!

  34. I did not see it on the web site, but when our kids were younger we made candy favors for a birthday party..we used a wrapped fun size candy bar for the body and smarties for the legs and arms. The kids made robot faces on round stickers and we stuck the to lollipops…take the lollipop and place the face sticker on, fasten the candy bar to the stick for the body, then use the smarties for legs and arms. We also used smarties (opened up) as coins in the dreidel game because my son is allergic to peanuts and we could not find inexpensive chocolate coins for the kids to use.

  35. Oh my gersh! My kids are Star Wars nuts so they would LOVE this! Got to try it.
    Plus I found on their website giant smarties! I didn’t even know they made such a thing!

  36. I remember being a kid and crushing the smarties into a fine powder and eating them that way. After you crush them, you pour the powder into your mouth and take a small drink of water. You then swish around the water and powder in your mouth and you have a nice little fruit drink. Looking at their site I see they have really expanded their product line from when I was a kid. The gummies seem like an interesting addition, but I think crushing those would not work quite as well.

  37. Thanks for the giveaway – I love smarties and didn’t realize there were so many different kinds

    annabella @ centurytel dot net

  38. X-treme Sour Smarties are my kids fav.Love the star wars idea:) so many things you could do with smarties you could glue them all over your pants for a costume and goes as a smartie pants

  39. This is an amazing craft! I love Star Wars, and this is a quick and easy way to turn an inexpensive candy into a truly stand-out item. I’ve already got several ideas of where/when this could be used. Thank you for the printable template; I’ve got it saved and ready to go!

  40. I learned that the candy is allergen free which is very important these days. I saw the cutest costume last Halloween at my church. A little boy had glued Smarties all over his trousers and went as a Smartie Pants.

  41. I had no idea that there were so many different kinds of smarties. I always thought there was just the original. After looking at the rest of them, I think I would want to try the sour ones the most. I love sour stuff.

  42. I love Smarties…and I don’t like chocolate. So I always scored on Halloween because I had two brothers to trade candy with. I ended up with so many smarties, I could have started my own candy shop!

  43. I see that they offer Theatre Boxes of Smarties. Both of my sons love Smarties, so these would make excellent stocking stuffers if I can find them locally.

  44. So very nice that smarties are made in a nut free factory and are gluten free!!! Now I will have a treat for a special little friend that has allergies.

  45. I never knew there were different flavor smarties..all we have in my area are the original…whch my son LOVES….smarties gummies?! id love to try those

  46. The lightsabers is a creative idea. I would never have thought to do something like this with candy and treats we give out for Halloween. My boyfriend and I love Smarties. I love the original smarties best and I know my boyfriend would enjoy the X-treme Sour.

  47. I forgot to mention that I never knew it was considered an allergy free candy without gluten. It makes sense, but its something that never crossed my mind. Win or lose, I might have to give these out this year.

  48. Wow never knew these were called Smarties in the states! In Canada they’re rockets and smarties are like m&ms made by Nestlรฉ. Is it bad that instead of inspiring me to be crafty this made me want to take a little trip south to pick up some different candy and chocolate? Haha! Great ideas tho!!

  49. Oh, found this post and I think it’s a brilliant idea! I have to remember this for next Halloween since my son is into star wars now .. this is going to be a great craft to do with him and then let him share this with his friends. Thank you!

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