Flower Pot Cupcakes for Spring |Simple Creative baking

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This Spring Flower pot cupcakes tutorial may contain affiliate links, but is not sponsored in any way. Just something fun I put together for the enjoyment of it. 

Flower Pot Cupcakes for Spring |Simple Creative baking

Spring Time Flower Pot cupcakes

Last year I saw these adorable flower pot silicone baking cups in the store. I thought, “Oh those are so cute. But really when would I actually use them?” I didn’t buy them. And then for the next year every time I went to go bake cupcakes I kept thinking; “Man, I really wish I had those adorable flower pot baking cups!” So when I saw them in the store again this year; I bought them immediately. They seem to only show up around Spring and Easter time. But you can also find the Flower pot silicone baking cups on amazon randomly throughout the year. So I finally had my flower pot baking cups that I have been wanting for over a year. So obviously I had to try them out! My kids didn’t mind. They love when I make cupcakes, because I rarely eat any of them. Thus more for the kids! I just like to bake. But what I really love about these flower pot cupcakes is that they are so adorable. And actually look quite festive. But they are one of the easiest cupcakes I have ever decorated!


Flower Pot Cupcakes for Spring |Simple Creative baking

Flower Pot Cupcakes for Spring |Simple Creative baking

A fun and festive looking Flower Pot Cupcakes for spring.


  • Chocolate cake mix or this Devil's Food cake recipe
  • Cool Whip Chocolate frosting
  • Green Coconut Flakes
  • Wilton Flower candy Decorating Kit
  • Flower Pot Silicone Baking cups


  1. Mix the cake batter and bake in the silicone flower pot baking cups.
  2. Thoroughly cool the cupcakes
  3. Spread with Chocolate Cool Whip Frosting
  4. Sprinkle with Green Coconut Flakes
  5. Assemble the candy flowers
  6. Insert into the cupcakes.
  7. Enjoy

Flower Pot Cupcakes for Spring |Simple Creative baking Once you bake up your cupcakes; you want to make sure they cool completely. Then you frost them. My favorite way is with a nice Whipped frosting or the Cool Whip frosting from the freezer section right next to the Cool Whip whipped cream. I used them before when I made Raspberry Filled Gourmet cupcakes and it was heavenly! Those are my two favorites when it comes to flavor. I like the chocolate frosting because it gives the look of dirt for the flower cupcake look. I merely just smeared some of the frosting across the tops of the cupcakes. You don’t need a lot. And it doesn’t have to look super fancy either. Flower Pot Cupcakes for Spring |Simple Creative baking Sprinkle on some green coconut flakes. I like this method because to me it looks a bit more like grass than say sprinkles do. Plus I love coconut and chocolate together. To make the green coconut flakes, simply put some coconut in a plastic bag. Add 1-3 drops of green food coloring. Seal the bag and shake. Ta-Da! You have green coconut flakes. Flower Pot Cupcakes for Spring |Simple Creative baking Then finally you want to use the adorable Wilton flower decorating kit I found at Walmart. It offers the easiest method I’ve found for making a believable and cute flower for the Flower Pot Cupcakes. Plus the kids say they taste really good. And that is always most important in our kitchen. Taste comes before beauty! Flower Pot Cupcakes for Spring |Simple Creative baking Simply add the white candy ball to the center of the flower. Insert it into the cupcake and then add the leaf candy at the base. And now you are finished! Flower Pot Cupcakes for Spring |Simple Creative baking I told you it was super easy! And yet they look so cute! They look like you spent a lot more time on them than you really did! I love being sneaky like that! These Flower Pot Cupcakes would be perfect for any Spring or Summer party, brunch, birthday party, themed party, or just for fun. If you want something extra festive pair them with our adorable PEEPS mini Easter Basket cupcakes. Flower Pot Cupcakes for Spring |Simple Creative baking

If you loved our Flower pot Cupcakes; be sure to Pin it and share with your friends.

At what event would you showcase these Flower Pot Cupcakes?

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  1. Those are wicked cute, but they seem like they might make a mess when it’s time to pop them out and eat them? Do they make a mess?

    1. Surprisingly not any worse than any other cupcake. The flower pot baking molds are non-stick. So I just gently separate the cupcake from the mold in a circular motion and out it pops. The mess is in the eating of a cupcake with kids..but that happens with all cupcakes at our house. lol.

  2. How cute are those! I need to get my hands on some of those baking cups. I keep seeing cupcakes in those pots and I would ask myself that doesn’t seem safe I need to research how to use those terra cotta pots to bake in. Thank you for solving the mystery for me!

  3. These cupcakes would be great for a teacher appreciaton brunch at our school. I am in signed up for a dessert. These will be perfect!

  4. These are so adorable! I’d love to make these for my son’s preschool class. I know that they would enjoy them.

  5. SO SO SO CUTE!!! I would totally do these for a BBQ or a summer picnic!

  6. These are simply precious and a real treat for summer! I’ll definitely be making some of these.

  7. That is such a creative and awesome idea for summer coming around the corner; I would love to make these.

  8. Funny, we are making these (similar ones) tomorrow. I love Spring and all the cute things like this you can do.

  9. These are just so adorable and would brighten up any party decor. I think they would make great treats for any little girl’s BD party too.

  10. Those are awesome, I was going to make similar ones for my daughter’s birthday that I saw on Pinterest but never got around to it. I love how the flowers are in a kit vs. having to hand make it all – they turned out great!

  11. I love the decorating kit! It would be so cute and easy for a girls cupcake decorating party.

  12. So adorable! Isn’t that the way it goes? You don’t need it when you see it but then you need it later. If you had bought it the first time, would you have needed it? Who knows!

  13. Those came out so cute! I didn’t know they made such cool baking cups. I thought maybe you somehow magically transferred the cupcakes to the pots, lol.

  14. These cups really are awesome! I will have to look for them. I think I could make such cuteness with them! I love what you did with the flower kit!

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  17. i just recently purchased these and am not a baker but they looked so cute. How full do i fill the flower pot to cook? Also can i put them in a muffin tin like when you bake regular cupcakes? Putting the flower pot in hole vs a liner?

    1. Fill the containers just as you would a regular cupcake liner. If you need help to hold them upright as you fill them, you can definitely place them in a muffin tin. Once they are filled, they are a little more sturdy and don’t tip over as easily, but they still can tip over, so you want to move gently as you put them into the oven.

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