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Schoko schnecken Chocolate Filled German Pastry Recipe

One of the things I miss the most from our time living in Germany was the Bakeries and the German Pastry. They always had Fresh Brotchen each day; and it was AMAZING. I don’t know how; but Germans have this special way of making bread that affects the bread’s taste and texture. You just can’t find anything like it in the US. One of my favorite Items from the German Bakeries was the ever popular Schoko Schnecke. Directly translated it means “Chocolate Snail”. But basically it is like a Chocolate filled Cinnamon roll minus the cinnamon. We often used them as Birthday cakes since my boys didn’t like cake when they were little; but they loved the schoko schnecke. I’ve tried and tried with many different recipes to get it just like the Germans did. I’ve still not discovered the exact secret, but I’ve come close with this one! So this is our version of the Schoko Schnecke. I hope you enjoy. And if you do enjoy it; feel free to share it around with your friends.

Schoko schnecke German Pastry

German Pastry Dough


  • 1 Tablespoon Yeast-quick rise
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 1/2 cup warmed milk
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2/3 cup butter (softened but not liquid)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 3 1/2- 4 cups flour
 Dissolve sugar in warm water. Then Dissolve the yeast in the sugar water. Stir in the remaining ingredients and beat until smooth. Add Flour Gradually. Kneed. Put dough in a greased bowl covered with plastic wrap and let rise for 1 1/2-2 hours. Punch down dough and begin the forming process.

Creating a Schoko Schnecke German Pastry

Once you have your Dough, place on a sheet of Parchment paper. (Not necessary; it is a little tip I picked up which helps with the dough sticking to the counter; and makes for a lot easier clean up!) And Divide the Dough into 2 even portions.

Schoko schnecke German Pastry

Set one portion aside. Place one portion in center of the Parchment Paper and cover with a sheet of wax paper. Again this is not needed; but merely a fun tip I picked up to help keep mess minimal and to make rolling out the dough easier and less sticky.

Schoko schnecke German Pastry

Then Roll the dough out into a rectangle.

Schoko schnecke German Pastry

Now you will spread a thin layer of the chilled Ganache across the dough, leaving approx 1/3-1/2″ from the edges clear.

Schoko schnecke German Pastry

Roll in one “roll” of each edge to make a small “lip” to help contain the Ganache; and then proceed to roll the dough from one end until the entire dough is in a cylinder shape.

Schoko schnecke German Pastry
Then using clean Dental floss (I’m using a brightly colored type just to make it easier to see in the photo; but original wax floss is best) Gently slide under the bottom of the roll; approx 1″, cross the string ends and quickly pull tightly until the string is free and you have cut off a portion of the roll. Place newly cut roll onto a parchment paper lined Cookie sheet. (again not necessary; but wonderful easy trick to help prevent the schneke from sticking to the pan and also very easy clean up!)
Schoko schnecke German Pastry
You will want to take extra caution not to over fill the Roll with the Ganache otherwise your Schnekes will over flow like this…
Schoko schnecke German Pastry
You want them to be more like this
Schoko schnecke German Pastry
Once you have the entire roll cut up and placed on the cookie sheet. Repeat the process for the 2nd portion of dough. Cover both cookie sheets with Clear plastic wrap and let raise until double in size…approx 20-30 minutes in a warm location.
Schoko schnecke German Pastry
Bake at 375 degree for approx 20 minutes; or until lightly golden.

Remove from oven and let cool on a wire wrack. Then enjoy!Variation: also good is drizzling your favorite Glaze on top. We tried our Chocolate Glaze which turned out rather delicious.

Schoko schnecke German Pastry
As with any baked item; these are best fresh. Although still good the next day; but a lot is lost in flavor in that one day. And do not worry if your Ganache overflows during cooking. It still tastes Delicious!
How many of you are going to go try this now?
Have you tried our Schoko schnecke German Pastry?
What are your thoughts? 

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Insanely Easy Chocolate Ganache Recipe to perfect all your desserts

Tuesday 19th of December 2017

[…] Depending on what you want to use it for; it will need to be refrigerated for a few hours to thicken to use as frosting or for the filling in our Schoko schnecken Recipe. […]

Berliner Pfannkuchen Fail - Homemaid Simple

Tuesday 10th of November 2015

[…] had actually been  planning on making some Shoko Schnecke, but I felt I didn’t have enough time to make them. So then I started doing a little research […]

Diane Balch

Tuesday 10th of December 2013

This looks so amazing and yes, it does look like a chocolate snail. Thanks for sharing it with us on Food of the World.


Friday 18th of January 2013


Terin Garrett

Friday 18th of January 2013

OMG, that looks delicious!!

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