Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!

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A special thanks to Eggland’s Best for sponsoring our French Toast recipe today. This gave us a great chance to feature the kids in the kitchen and teach them how to cook and featuring a delicious new recipe! All opinions are definitely our own.
Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!
This last week, Miss Jade, the Husband and I have been horribly sick. Miss Jade brought a nasty cold home from school and it has held us captive ever since. So that means not a lot of energy or motivation to make elaborate meals. Naturally that means the boys have been stepping up and helping in the house. Well, at least I wish. I can dream right?

Actually they have been taking advantage of Mom and Dad being sick and slacking off. /sigh. The trials of parenting right? But that is about to change. I decided it was time they learned how to help make some food so when Mom and Dad are sick again, they CAN jump in and help. At least a little bit. To make sure they don’t starve.

Easy French Toast Recipe for Kids.

A great way to include the kids in the kitchen is to start with a kid approved recipe. Like easy french toast! It is so easy to make. And something that they can do with little supervision. So it is also the perfect meal option for when Mom and Dad are sick and can’t really make a traditional meal.

Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!

And when you use quality ingredients like Eggland’s Best eggs, it also adds in some nutritional value to keep everyone happy. Eggland’s Best eggs are packed fresher and stay fresher than ordinary eggs. Plus they contain more than double the omega-3s, which studies have found may boost attention in kids under 12. Plus, they feature ten times the vitamin E, which is a key antioxidant for strong immunity. Not to mention that Eggland’s Best eggs pack 4 times the Vitamin D and only have 60 calories versus the 70 calories as regular Eggs.

Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!


Easy French Toast Recipe for including Kids in the Kitchen!

Easy French Toast Recipe for including Kids in the Kitchen!
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 7 minutes


  • 5 Eggland's Best Eggs
  • 1/2 Cup Almond milk
  • 1-2 Teaspoon Pure Mexican Vanilla
  • (dash of cinnamon optional)
  • Texas Toast or any bread of your choice


  1. Put Eggs, milk, and vanilla into shallow 8" cake pan.
  2. Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!
  3. Mix with fork until mixture is smooth
  4. Dip bread in mixture
  5. Flip to saturate the 2nd side of bread
  6. Place on Griddle and cook until golden
  7. Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!
  8. Flip and cook until 2nd side is golden
  9. Serve with fruit and favorite toppings.

Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!

For us it was a fun learning experience for the boys. And I love how easy it is to teach how to make the delicious French toast that my kids love to eat!

Usually it takes about 1 Eggland egg per person you are cooking for. So for us that means 5 eggs minimum. Maybe add 1-2 extra eggs at the end if you think someone might want seconds.

I also found that using Almond milk gives it a great flavor versus regular milk. And Mexican Vanilla is a definite must have. PURE vanilla. Not the imitation stuff. Like I said what makes this really stand out is the quality of the ingredients. And the fact that it is so easy to make. Seriously my kids made dinner with a little supervision from us. Yeah!

The kids did great helping out. And they had a lot of fun practicing cracking the eggs. I think that was their favorite part.

Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen! Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!

And then dipping and flipping the french toast was a very close second.

Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!

Even little Jade got in on the action of helping to mix the French Toast “batter”.

Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!

I think this is definitely a success in our house. Success for them learning to cook and success for me not having to cook a big meal when I’m still fighting this nasty virus. Wahoo on all counts.

Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!

Now we just like to top it with sliced strawberries, maybe a little powdered sugar and of course 100% pure maple syrup. Oh yum!

Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!

Add some more protein by scrambling or frying up some more of the Eggland’s Best eggs as a side and toss in some Canadian bacon. Serve with juice. You have a great option for Breakfast for Dinner!

Kid Approved French Toast Recipe for Kids in the Kitchen!

Check out another great recipe with Eggland’s Best Eggs – Paleo Strawberry Shortcake!

Paleo Strawberry Shortcake - A dessert to feel good about!

What are your favorite KID Friendly, Kid Approved dinner ideas?

How do you like to top your French toast recipe?

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  1. I like to make frittatas in the oven with milk, cheese and whatever vegetables we have on hand. It’s so easy and filling. I can eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

  2. I love making cinnamon toast and start with some texas toast bread. Regular sandwich bread turns soggy. Once it’s finished we typically just top it with a little butter, syrup and sprinkling of powdered sugar.

  3. Eggs are used in almost everything we bake, so cookies would be my favorite use. As a primary ingredient, I like omelets.

  4. Loving your recipe. My boys are both big on French Toast. It is actually one of the few things they BOTH actually agree on!

  5. So delicious and I love that it’s dairy free! There’s nothing more fun than cooking with your kids. I can’t wait to teach mine how to do the dishes ๐Ÿ˜‰ Kidding, at least a little.

  6. We make scrambled eggs the most. I personally love fried eggs but my kids only like them scrambled.

  7. I honestly haven’t had any toppings on my french today before, besides powdered sugar. I imagine that strawberries would be good.

  8. I could eat eggs every day. We just had deviled eggs last night. My favorite I would say is French Toast.

  9. I use eggs every single morning to make my favorite salmon omelet. I am book marking this, we move in one month and I will finally have a kitchen that will be big enough to work with my son in – I can not wait. This looks so good and what a great way to start off a nice cold morning.

  10. We haven’t had French Toast in quite a while! This recipes looks absolutely delicious! Love the fresh strawberries! YUM!

  11. I like to make a sausage and egg casserole. I really like to top my French toast with butter and syrup!

  12. Your recipe looks yummy! We eat alot of eggs on the weekends like in omelets but I think I may make French Toast this weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. We love to add fresh fruits like strawberries and blueberries. We have also drizzled honey over them too.

  14. I’m fairly certain I may be popping in for brekkie with you soon. I LOVE french toast! I’ll wait until you’re not a sickly person though, then, it’s on ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. I love making cheese and vegetable omelets, and we I like making Bacon and cheese quiches and frittatas!

  16. We love to eat eggs almost every day for breakfast. Our favorites are scrambled, or fried eggs, or omelettes.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  17. My favorite ways to make eggs are for french toast and for omelets. The best French Toast is made with sour dough bread and topped with blueberries and/or confectioners sugar.

  18. I like french toast made with sourdough bread, and topped the old school way with butter, maple syrup and bacon. (with a cold glass of milk)

  19. I always use powdered sugar on my pancakes and waffles (something that we did in childhood ).As to eggs , I love to use them sunny side up in sandwiches and on top of Chinese or Vietnamese dishes.

  20. I love about anything you do to eggs. We go through a lot of eggs because we all like them so much. I guess my favorite way is fried with soft yolks to eat with biscuits.

  21. I’m simple in that omelets are my favorite way to eat eggs. I love bacon and cheese omelets. Thank you!

  22. I love to slather my french toast with white chocolate peanut butter, strawberries, sugar and butterscotch chips.

  23. We do alot of scrambled eggs and over easy eggs! Everyone loves having them for breakfast, and even dinner sometimes!

  24. I love scrambled eggs. They are simple and delicious. Every now and then I make Creme Brรปlรฉe. Yum!

  25. I love eggs pretty much no matter how they are cooked! I especially like them in my breakfast casserole.

  26. My family enjoy birds in a basket, some people call it birds nest. My kids dont care for it but my husband and I also like egg salad.

  27. My ‘clean out the fridge’ omelet is always a hit. I often use agave on french toast.
    Thanks for the contest.

  28. Most every day I make scrambled eggs on the weekends though we have ham and cheese omelets sometimes with tomatoes and onions, or I make french toast

  29. My kids love homemade french toast so we use the eggs with making french toast and my husband loves fried eggs.

  30. My favorite way to use eggs is in cookies, but the most often way I use them is for scrambled eggs. We eat scrambled eggs fo breakfast at ast a co eek, and we always use Eggland’s best eggs

  31. wow, something really weird happened with my typing there. What I meant to say was, “We eat scrambled eggs for breakfast at least once a week”

  32. I love scrambled eggs, and often like to add peppers, onions and tomatoes in them to make them a Western scramble…

  33. My family is more of savory meal eaters so I love to make eggs into a breakfast (or sometimes any other meal) sandwich. We use a variety of ingredients but my favorite combination is a fried over medium egg, slice of avocado, tomato, lettuce, real mayo, on 7 grain toast.

  34. My favorite ways to use eggs is either as deviled eggs or in salads like potato and macaroni salads!!! I also love egg salad sandwiches!!!!

  35. I love using eggs in a variety of ways from breakfast to dessert to meals. Egglands is the brand of eggs we use all the time and they are great.

  36. I use eggs to make scrambled eggs the most often. I love to add sharp cheddar cheese and bacon! It is definitely a must-have breakfast food! Yum, hungry for breakfast already, lol!

  37. I love my french toast with just butter, powdered sugar and maple syrup. It’s one of my favorite ways to use eggs. I also like scrambled eggs with cheese, onions and ketchup.

  38. Mainly what I use eggs for is to make baked goods. I haven’t had french toast in a while but I usually just use maple syrup.

  39. Pingback: 15 Kid Friendly Recipes for Father's Day #ThisDivaCooks ⋆
  40. The French Toast with the sliced strawberries and powdered sugar looks amazing. That is exactly what I would like to have using great Egg-Lands Best eggs.

  41. These were so easy to make and the best French toast Iโ€™ve ever had. It tasted like it came straight from a restaurant.

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