Buttermilk Syrup Recipe; Heavenly Topping

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Of all syrups Maple is definitely the most popular; but have you ever tried Buttermilk Syrup? My sister passed me this buttermilk syrup recipe and told me I just had to try it out! And she was so right!

Buttermilk Syrup Recipe; Heavenly Topping

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This recipe originally published on our site June 2, 2012,this is a republish with updated information.

Heavenly Buttermilk Syrup

The Husband and our youngest son both say they like it more than maple syrup! Our oldest and I really love it; but I still love maple syrup. I think this is a great syrup for making a regular breakfast extra special! And Jade; well she ate and ate and ate and said, “YUM” the entire time. I’d say it has her stamp of approval! This buttermilk syrup has been compared to drizzling Carmel over hot breakfast goodness.

Buttermilk Syrup Recipe; Heavenly Topping

So let’s get on with the recipe! You won’t believe how easy it is to make your very own Homemade buttermilk Syrup!


Buttermilk Syrup Recipe

Buttermilk Syrup Recipe; Heavenly Topping
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 cup buttermilk
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda


  1. In a saucepan, combine butter, sugar and vanilla; melt over low heat.
  2. Stir often and do not let mixture boil.
  3. When melted, add buttermilk and cook for one minute.
  4. Remove pan from heat and cool for 2 to 5 minutes.
  5. Add baking soda and whisk thoroughly.
  6. Serve warm

In a medium saucepan combine all ingredients except the baking soda and buttermilk. Melt over a low heat. Make sure to stir often as you don’t want it to burn.

Buttermilk Syrup Recipe; Heavenly Topping

Then add the buttermilk and continue heating for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for 2-5 minutes. Then add the baking soda and whisk thoroughly. It will foam a bit so don’t let that worry you. It is just a natural chemical reaction to adding baking soda. HA! Get the kids involved and teach them science while you make this heavenly caramel type Buttermilk syrup!

Buttermilk Syrup Recipe; Heavenly Topping

Once it is well mixed pour into your favorite syrup bottle and serve! It is best served fresh and warm. It makes approximately 1 cup.


Buttermilk Syrup Recipe; Heavenly Topping

Just image all the ways you can enjoy this buttermilk syrup! Drizzle it’s goodness on buttermilk pancakes,  Mini German Pancakes, french toast, chocolate chip pancakes, waffles, and chocolate peanut butter pancakes!

Buttermilk Syrup Recipe; Heavenly Topping

Goodness, you can even use it to drizzle over ice cream once cooled, or a little drizzle in some fresh yogurt. Use it to sweeten some tart fruit.

Buttermilk Syrup Recipe; Heavenly Topping

The options are endless! Although you will want to really enjoy it the day you make it as sadly it doesn’t store well and isn’t as good the next day. Though if your family is anything like my family that won’t be a problem because their won’t be any left overs to try to store!

Buttermilk Syrup Recipe; Heavenly Topping

What would you drizzle with our Buttermilk Syrup? 

What is your favorite thing to put on your pancakes, French Toast and waffles?

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  1. I have Never tried this before, I usually just like butter and syrup :). I’ll have to try this out!

  2. I just came across this and pinned it for the next time I make pancakes. This looks too good! It reminds me of something my grandmother would have made for us on a weekend splurge!

  3. I just recently had this buttermilk syrup in a restaurant on french toast for the 1st time ever. Was it the BOMB! I couldn’t wait to come home & look on Pinterest for a recipe for it. Can you make up extra ahead of time & store it in the frig rather than making such small batches at one time? Then just warming it when it’s time to use it? Thanks for sharing! Can’t wait to make it!

    1. Hi Linda! Yes, you can make a bigger batch ahead of time. But too much stored for too ling will crystallize, and it isn’t as good. Fresh small batches always has the best flavor. But it is possible.

      1. How long is too long to store this? I have some buttermilk in my fridge that needs to be used, and this sounds like a good way to use it.

        1. I’d say use within the first 12 hours. After that it doesn’t taste as good and the texture crystalizes. But it only makes about 1 cup at a time. So it’s best to keep making it in small batches.

  4. Wow sounds absolutely delicious. I would never think to use buttermilk in a syrup. Thank you for sharing.

    Kevin Linkie

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  6. YUMMY! I made it this morning, and could not get enough. I wasn’t as careful not to let it boil, so mine had more bubbles in it, lol, but it was still good. The kids were skeptical and wouldn’t even try it, but that just means more for me. I’m thinking of pouring it over a bundt cake next.

  7. Hello! I’ve been using this recipe every time I make German Pancakes (for the past two years) and I today I was pleasantly surprised when I stopped by to use it again! I LOVE the new website/design. 🙂

    1. Oh thank you Minnie!
      You know I have been meaning to drizzle this on my German Pancakes and just haven’t done it yet. Oh my goodness that would be so delicious. I have to try it now! Brilliant idea!

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