Fitness Tracker Ankle Band – Easy Sew!
You know me. I don’t like hard sewing projects. Easy Sew is how I roll.
A few months ago I became frustrated with my wrist fitness tracker. If I’m carrying laundry or holding my daughter’s hand or pushing a shopping cart or stroller, it doesn’t track all my steps.
I’m in Walmart for an hour and I get 800 steps. I’m like, “What? I know I did at least seven miles walking around that place!”
So I decided to start tucking my tracker in my boot or sock. Problem solved! My step count became way more accurate. This works great, until you’re not wearing boots or socks. You know, when the weather warms up. Then I decided to tuck it in the cuff of my rolled up skinnies. This also works great…until you’re not wearing skinnies. Shorts or capris anyone?
What I needed was some sort of band that I could slip on my ankle that would hold my tracker.
(Pause. I feel like a lot of sewing falls into two categories: common sense, and must be measured to the 1/8th of an inch for accuracy. This tutorial falls into the first category.)
I cut the bottom of a t-shirt, hemmed the edge, sewed it closed, and voila!
This project can be as easy or as complicated as you want to make it. You can add a clasp or get fancy material. For this, we’re going to go easy peasy. I’ll use my own measurements, and you can adjust yours as needed.
Easy Sew Fitness Tracker Holder
I made this tracker with 2 types of fabric. If you make it with a t-shirt that’s not very stretchy, add an inch to the ankle measurement in step 2. this will make the band easier to sleep onto your ankle. If you use a stretchy spandex type material, only add half an inch. It will keep the band tighter so that your tracker doesn’t fall out.
Step 1: Measure your ankle and the width of your tracker. Ankle – 8”, Tracker – .8”.
Step 2: Add half an inch to your ankle measurement and double the tracker measurement and add about half an inch. 8.5” and 2”. (This is the size of the piece of fabric that you need.)
Step 3: Lay your shirt flat.
Step 4: Cut the bottom of the shirt to match the measurements you created in step 2. 8.5” x 2”
Step 5: Fold over the unfinished edge and hem closed.
This might not look too pretty. Don’t worry, this edge goes on the inside, so no one will see it.
Step 6: Sew the fabric closed in a circle. There are 2 ways to do this:
6a) Fold the fabric together, inside out -Hamburger style! Sew a ¼ inch hem along the unfinished edge.
Flip it right-side out.
Fold it together to make the band that the tracker slides into.
*This way works best on a t-shirt type material. Slick/spandex type material will slide and the tracker will fall out.*
6b) Fold the two hemmed edges together – hot dog style! – making the pocket that the tracker slides into. Pull the unfinished 1” edges together (Right sides in), and sew a ¼” seam. Flip it right-side out and you have a tracker holder.
I find that I like the second method better. It keeps the pocket permanently, so it can’t unroll with friction. I made one of these for my friend, using the first method, and she said she’s never had a problem with it unrolling.
Now I just slip my tracker on my ankle and forget about it. I’ve had a lot of people ask what’s on my ankle. Many friends have noticed that their step counts aren’t accurate during certain activities too – like pushing a cart around the store, pushing a stroller on a walk, carrying laundry, holding your child/husband’s hand during a walk, riding a bike, etc.
Go ahead and wear those cute pants. All you need to do is slip on your ankle band and forget about it.
And if you want other easy sew projects, try this easy table runner or this boxy pouch.
That’s great that you were able to find your own solution to a problem you had. Good job!