Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

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So it’s happened! You have a special announcement waiting to be shared. You are pregnant and you can’t wait to share the news. This is a big announcement. Not something you want to just say, “hey we are expecting”. No you want to do something creative. Something fun. Well, worry not! We have gathered some great ideas together to help you offer up your great news to the world in a creative way! Try one of these Pregnancy announcement ideas to share your exciting news!

Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

1. An announcement card. This is similar to a baby announcement card. But instead of sharing that the baby is born, you are sharing that a baby is on it’s way. There are a lot of easy and free software sites you can use. I used a simple HP photo card software that came with my printer. Added a picture of my daughter making the announcement that she is going to be a big sister in September! And then printed it off.

Then place it somewhere fun for the husband or rest of the family to see. Or mail it off to friends and relatives.

2. Bun in the oven. This is a great play on words. Literally put a bun (a roll/bread) in the oven. With a note on the oven saying “arriving in 9 months” or “currently baking..” Or just take a photo of the bun in the oven and share it on social sites with your friends and family.

3. Baby food. For a fun way to let your spouse know, create a special dinner with all baby food. I don’t mean food from baby food jars. But food like baby carrots, baby corn, etc. Have the theme and see if he can figure it out.

4. Spaghetti Sauce! I saw this one on Pinterest. A couple shared that they were pregnancy by taking a selfie of the two of them with a jar of Prego sauce. With a caption saying “We’re Prego!”
Or if this is not your first pregnancy, include the other kids in the photos too like Nicole from For the Love of Food did in their awesome Pregnancy announcement.

Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

5. A box of balloons! Some people don’t like to announce that they are expecting until they know the gender. And then they do a Gender Reveal announcement. One of which is filling up helium balloons in the color that coordinates with the baby’s gender (pink or blue). And hiding them all in the box. Then take a video as the balloons are released from the box revealing the gender of the baby.

6. Use the Ultrasound! And to make it even more fun dress up the Ultrasound to be extra cool like Hearts and Laserbeams did in their announcement.
Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

7. Let the kids tell the story! Little Miss Kate has lots of great ideas of how to use the older siblings in photos with cute sayings to announce the upcoming new baby!

Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

8. Hint! Share a photo with you eating the most well known foods that pregnant woman eat! Like what Meet Kristy did.

Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

9. Share the baby bump! If you are starting to show, share a photo of the baby bump like  What’s up Fagans.

Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

10. Use the calender! Share the secret by showing the calender with adorable little baby shoes! Just like Viva Veltoro!

Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas


11. Share in Video! Make a cute video announcing the upcoming bundle of joy! See an awesome example from Burlap and Babies.

12. Crack the Egg! If you are announcing in the Spring Time, this is such an adorable way to share the news! See how Our Family World creates this awesome hatching egg craft to announce the baby!

Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

13. Cupcakes! Who doesn’t love a good Cupcake? See how For the Love of Food used adorable Pink and Blue Cupcakes to announce to her husband and their parents about the new baby!

Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

14. Shirts! If you want something simple but still adorable, another idea is with cute shirts. For our big announcement to the rest of the world, I got Miss Jade this adorable “Keep Calm I’m Going To Be A Big Sister Tee (affiliate link)” We got it off of Amazon for not a lot and it totally was a hit. Since everyone knew Jade is our youngest, her having a shirt talking about being a big sister was quite obvious for us.

Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas



Surprise! We have a secret and Miss Jade is spilling the beans. New addition coming in September. #baby #family #pregnancy

A photo posted by Amber Edwards (@jadelouisedesigns) on


Now you have some great ideas on how to share the special news of the upcoming bundle of joy that will be joining your family! Hopefully you found some fun Creative pregnancy announcement ideas to help you share the joyful news!

What are your best Pregnancy announcement ideas?

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  1. Congrats, you big sneak! I had a feeling something was going on with all these new pregnancy/baby posts. Anyway…There’s a lot of really great ideas here for announcing the big news.

    1. Thanks Geta!
      It’s been a big surprise for us as we weren’t planning on having any more kids. But it’s been a fun surprise at the same time. So, we’re diving right back in and trying to remember all the fun stuff about pregnancy (yeah, not a lot) and having a new little baby. 🙂

  2. Cute ideas! I wanted to be creative… but was just too sick and impatient to be clever. I really enjoy hearing people’s announcements that are different. And congrats on yours!

  3. What cute ideas to celebrate a new pregnancy. Pregnancy announcing wasn’t something I ever did and now I kinda wish I had. There are so many cute ideas.

  4. These are cute, and I especially like the calendar with the baby shoes. I just called people and told them, but I am not known for my creativity!

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  7. Hey thank you so much for featuring my burger baby announcement!! My husband and I had so much fun with that one! I was updating links and redirects this morning because I’ve updated my site from Hearts and Laserbeams to Steph Calvert Art, and I found out you’d included me. Have a great week!

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