Camping List: How to prepare for a Camping Trip

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We’re going camping! I’m quite excited, but with camping comes the ever dreaded preparation! That’s always my least favorite part, the preparation. But we’ve got a great camping list that will help make it go as smoothly as possible. This will help you prepare for camping! We all know if you are prepared, you always have the best experience. Our camping list isn’t a typical camping Checklist of items to pack. But more about exactly all the prepping that goes into preparing for camp before you pack! This is the first step. Then you can jump over to our camping checklist for easy to follow list of all you need to pack to finish off your camping list.

Camping List: How to prepare for a Camping Trip

Camping List step 1: Select the Destination.  

You need to have a solid plan in mind. Where are you going camping? Are you camping with just your small family or are you meeting up with friends and relatives? How long are you going to be camping? These are the first and most important questions to iron out when you are camping. Once you know all this you then know how to pack and prepare.

Camping List: How to prepare for a Camping Trip


Camping list Step 2: Prepare the medical needs. 

If you have allergies, be sure to prepare all you need to manage your allergies. If you have routine medicine, have that be your first priority to get ready. Make sure you have enough medication for the entire trip. If you have contacts, make sure you have your solution, an extra pair of contacts and a back up pair of glasses. If someone is allergic to certain foods, be sure everyone attending the camp out knows about this, and plans accordingly.

Camping List step 3: Make a Meal Plan:

Sit down as a group and decide how you will manage meals. In our family we always take care of our own breakfasts and lunches, and have a potluck dinner each night. We take the favorite meals from past camping trips and we divide out meal assignments as to who will bring what for that potluck meal together. We always include side dishes, desserts and all. Everyone always provides their own drinks. It makes menu planning and packing food a lot simpler. After the main family meal list has been created I then make my own for our breakfasts, lunches and snacks. Don’t forget the snacks, especially if you have kids!

Once you have a menu planned, then you can make a shopping list for the items you don’t have on hand. It also makes planning what foods to take a lot simpler and packing goes smoother as well.

Camping List: How to prepare for a Camping Trip

Camping List step 4: Find/Create and follow a Camping Checklist for packing:

Start preparing out a camping checklist. This list will include everything you will need to gather and pack for the entire duration you will be camping. You will want to include obvious and not so obvious items on this list, to ensure nothing gets forgotten. You want to plan out your shelter, cooking arrangements, bedding, clothing, personal items, and miscellaneous items to pack.

As you are preparing your checklist keep in mind how much room you have in your vehicles to haul everything. Also will you be hiking to your camp spot after you park your car, or will your vehicles be right there with you? It will help determine how light or heavy you can pack. But for a general rule of thumb you want to pack as light as you can to ensure you aren’t spending too much time packing, unpacking at camp, repacking at camp and unpacking once you get home. You are going camping to relax and have a great time, not to be worrying about all the junk you brought up.

Camping List step 5: Don’t Procrastinate:

One of the best pieces of advice I can give you about making your camping preparation go smoothly is to not procrastinate until the day before! Since our family camp out is a yearly event, we usually start planning in the fall, as many people have to have enough time to schedule time off from work. Then a few months before the selected date we find out how many people will be attending and start the entire planning process then. If you are holding a smaller camp out event, I’d recommend to start planning a few weeks in advance. Schedule out your menus, and ensure you have all the camping gear in good order.

Start the packing process of all the items you don’t need in your daily life the week before you are to leave on the camp out. Gather your supplies and pack them into their appropriate bags and then set them aside in a spare room or garage. Then pack all the non-perishable foods a few days in advance. Then pack the clothing the day before. Just before you leave pack all the last minute items such as your pillows, toothbrushes, etc. Basically the items you couldn’t pack before because you use them daily. Also last minute is when you pack the perishable foods.

 Camping List Step 6: Plan for travel entertainment:

After all the camping gear is set aside, you should remember you still need a little room in the vehicle for entertainment for the kids. Just like any travel trip, your kids need snacks and entertainment factors while you drive to the mountains. Have the kids help pick out what they want to entertain themselves in the vehicle while you are driving. Keep some snacks handy depending on how long of a drive you have.

Camp List step 7: Plan an easy First meal

Remember that once you reach the camp site, you will have a lot of work to do to set up camp. You may be hungry once you arrive or shortly after you arrive. Be sure you planned a very simple meal for right after you arrive. Something simple like sandwiches, or the likes. Maybe you thought ahead and even already have the sandwiches made! That’s even better! Then once you arrive you can quickly have something to eat and then begin setting up.

Camping List step 8 Load up and hit the road

Once you have everything organized, begin the packing process. Like I mentioned procrastination will not be your friend. It also increases your chances of forgetting something important. Once you have everything gathered, load it all into the vehicles and hit the road!

Camping List: How to prepare for a Camping Trip

Remember that Camping is a time to relax and enjoy the company that is with you, and to enjoy the great outdoors! Don’t over stress and don’t over plan. You may have planned a lot of great activities for camping, but just like any normal vacation, you need time to relax. You don’t want to over do it so when you arrive home you feel as though you need a vacation from your vacation. Don’t fret too much over schedules, just enjoy the time away from your regular responsibilities.

Do you go camping with your family? 

How do you make camping preparation go smoothly? 

What is your favorite camping memory? 

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  1. We don’t really go camping, but those are certainly great tips! I love the idea of having a checklist. You really do want to be organized when preparing for hanging out in the wilderness!

  2. We just camped at a local state park this past week and are going to the 1000 island region of NY next week camping! I just restocked on bug repellent!

  3. We have been talking about a camping trip for the past week. Somehow picking WHERE to go has been the hardest part for us.

  4. You seem so organized and on top of your game with this. I’m incredibly impressed. I’m not a camper, but I AM a traveler so I’m going to use much of this advice albeit in a slightly different way.

  5. I haven’t been camping in years (hubby is pretty afraid of nature!) but I remember that when I did the planning was always the most difficult and time-consuming part. These suggestions are very helpful!

  6. I ALWAYS forget to plan our meals when planning for a campaign trip- I know, it’s one of the most important things!

  7. Great tips. I can’t wait to go on a camping trip as a family. We plan to when the kids get a little older.

  8. I’ve never been camping before but I was recently invited by some friends. I’m super nervous so I’ll probably reread this post like 80 times before the trip! Lol.

  9. We are going camping this summer. I think it will be the first camping trip I’ll have been on that we are actually staying in tents. I’m a little nervous since I really like the conveniences of a modern day home! I’m sure we will have a great time as a family though! I will be coming back and re-reading for sure!

  10. Awesome!! My husband and I just bought a popup camper this year, we can’t wait to go camping with our 4 kids. This will be our 1st camping trip in an RV and we are a little rusty on the whole camping thing, it’s been 7 years since you went camping last 🙁 I am excited to get back out there and start camping again. Thanks to your advise this will be a little easier now 🙂

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