Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

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This shop has been compensated by #CollectiveBias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. For more ideas on how to create your own #BackyardBash, check out the tumblr page at www.drpepperbash.com. Enjoy our Dr Pepper Date Night kit!

 One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

Do you  have date nights with your significant other? Studies show that couples who consistently have date night tend to have a better relationship. So why not make date night a priority with a fun Dr Pepper backyard bash?

Now I know all the excuses to NOT have a date night.

  • Too busy
  • Too tired
  • Costs too much
  • No one to watch the kids.

But those are just that. Excuses! Date night doesn’t have to be going out for an expensive dinner. Or an elaborate night out on the town. Date night is simply time you put aside each week to be with each other. Spend time together doing something you both enjoy; or trying something new. Time without kids.

The husband and I have date night once a week. It is usually Friday nights. We have done this ever since we got married. After the kids came along we had to learn to be creative. Because we spent about half of our married life as “poor college students” we didn’t have the money for babysitters. So we learned to host date night after we put the kids to bed early on Friday nights. Sometimes we can’t afford to go out all the time. And yes, sometimes we are just too tired. Other times we actually lose track of the days and realize at 5pm Friday..it’s Date night! What are we going to do?

Dr Pepper Date Night Kit AKA Backyard Bash kit

Well worry no more! We have you covered! You simply create a Dr Pepper Date Night kit! This is a fun little kit that you can keep stocked and stored in your pantry. And then come date night; if you don’t have anything else planned you can still pull off a great date night.

One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

It also doubles as a party kit for when you have last minute guests come over too! As it works great for a small backyard bash kit too!

Go to Walmart to pick up the essentials. The first thing you need are drinks! No party is complete without fun drinks! Then gather up snacks and entertainment.

I’m obsessed with Dr Pepper (ask anyone who knows me). You should know this by now if you follow me on our social media sites like Pinterest, Facebook, Google Plus or Instagram. <– shameless plug for you to follow me there! 😉

So since I’m obsessed with Dr Pepper it makes sense that is the first thing that goes into my date night kit. I love the variety you can pick too. You can pick from cute little bottles, bigger bottles, Diet, regular, flavored and even Caffeine Free if you want something more family friendly!

One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

So with drinks selected you move onto snacks. We always do a blend of sweet and salty. Cheez-It crackers are great for entertaining or a date night. They have so many new flavors! Not just the traditional plain cheeze! Snack mix is great for backyard bashes. Or get Scrabble Junior and you have a mini-game with food right in the date night kit! No joke! Seriously you should try to play scrabble with the crackers! It is a good cause for a laugh.

One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

I also top off our date night kit with mini single serve bags of popcorn and Chocolate! M&Ms are great because you can mix the popcorn, Cheez-It and chocolate together to make your own snack mix too!

One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

Then you need to throw in entertainment! I picked out two of our favorite party games that are great for small gatherings.

One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

Next find a medium sized basket or wired basket. And organize everything inside the basket, making it look appealing but also so everything fits.

Use a fun Valentine/heart ribbon to decorate if you like. And a fun Date night kit sign (date night kit printable here!) to tie on. Then make a place in the pantry to store the date night kit and you are done!

One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

It is so easy to create a fun Date night kit. And well worth it too! When unexpected guests show up or date night comes; pull out your Coleman cooler with some ice to chill the Dr Pepper. Pull out the date night kit and you are good to play games, have great snacks and host your mini backyard bash with very little effort!

One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

You have snacks, drinks and entertainment all right at your finger tips! What else could you want? Uhm…how about a Dr Pepper Float! This takes the traditional date night kit a step further in the hot summer weather. Make a delicious Dr Pepper float to enjoy on the patio with company on a hot day. Or relax with your sweetheart on the porch as you watch the sunset.

One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

Simply put a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream in a glass mug with your favorite Dr Pepper and you are golden!

These easy Dr Pepper Date Night Kits also make excellent gifts for friends, neighbors or family members! Just think about it; wouldn’t you love to be the recipient of a date night kit like this? Or maybe give it as a wedding gift to remind the couple of the importance of date night after the wedding.

No matter how you use our Dr Pepper Date Night Kit, it is sure to please and make an excellent backyard bash! You can find even more fun ideas on the Dr. Pepper Facebook page too!

One of a Kind Dr Pepper Date Night Kit for a last minute Backyard Bash

What would you put in your Dr Pepper Date Night Kit to host a backyard bash?




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  1. Great idea and you’ve inspired me to make my own date night for the grand kids. Thanks for such a great idea.

  2. This is so cute and would be perfect to give to new neighbors as a welcome to the neighborhood kit as well! My hubby is a huge Dr Pepper fan so I’m going to have to put one of these together for him!

  3. I just had breakfast, but now I am craving a Dr. Pepper float! Yum. I love the cute basket and how you have everything ready to go. I am guilty of letting your first excuse (too tired) get in the way of date night. Thanks for sharing this fun (and delicious!) idea.

  4. This is a really great idea. My brother loves Dr. Pepper and needs a date night with his girl. Definite making him one 🙂 Thanks for sharing. I loved it and pinning it.

  5. Think I will go shopping this week-end and surprise my husband with a kit like this for a date night at home once the kids are in bed.

  6. This is just perfect. I love making floats and know that a Dr. Pepper one would taste amazing… especially with cherry ice cream… yum!

  7. I love your kit! Dr. Pepper always reminds me of my husband’s family because they go through it like no tomorrow. They always have Dr. Pepper when we visit!

  8. absolutely adorable basket and I love those Scrabble Cheetos! What a fun idea for a date night. I really need to put more effort in for stay-at home dates! (but I like to go out too much lol)

  9. This is such a great idea. We have redone our backyard and we are able to have cute date nights in the backyard now.

  10. What a great idea.. I totally love it and will have to “steel” your idea.. love the basket and all the fun items inside.. Dr. Pepper is a MUST in our home 🙂 thanks for sharing bet your next Date night will be a blast!!!

  11. I love Dr. Pepper, but I only drink the diet. They make it in caffeine free now which is all I drink with soda anymore. I am SO making a float!

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