DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

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This DIY Homework Station creation idea is thanks to donations of supplies. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to you. As always our designs and opinions are our own.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

Well, school has been in session now for a few months. And if your house is like mine, you are probably getting a bit tired of all the school papers scattered throughout your house. Or how about the frustration of trying to find the missing homework, or that paper you were supposed to sign…oh…like last week?

And what’s worse, the kids always have homework, and that homework ends up scattered all over the dining table and then there is no where to eat.

Our solution was to get an organized homework station set up. A centralized and designated spot in the house where:

  • Homework is completed without distractions
  • Store homework and school project supplies
  • Keep track of papers sent home from school
  • Keep track of papers that need to be signed
  • Organize Month long papers to record homework assignments on
  • Keep Homework organized so no more “your child is missing XYZ homework”
  • Display art projects
  • Keep Library books in a safe location
  • Designated spot for homework that won’t need to be cleaned up if they aren’t finished by dinner time.
  • A way to regain my kitchen table and Fridge from homework all over in chaos
  • Keep track of school calender events
  • A great spot to do art projects with the kids
  • and lots more

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

I have wanted a homework station for a very long time. But we never had a home big enough to set aside a corner and have it designated for the homework station. But with our new home, we have a bit more space. And I knew it was time to put this into action. So with a little help from  Land of Nod, Boogie Board and Educational Insights for sending me supplies  to put this Homework station together  plus the few affiliate links that may be found in this post, I was finally able to make my dream into reality!

Homework Station is Born

The first step is finding an area in your home that you can clean out and designate solely for the homework station. No adding business junk, or toys or anything else. This will be solely for school, homework, homeschooling or the sort.

Clear a space and set up a table. I have been really picky on the table I wanted for this homework station. I wanted something of quality. Not a table that will bow in the middle, chip off, break easily or look bad. I wanted something with shelves to help organize. And I found exactly what I wanted with the Land of Nod Elementary Table. It comes in white, light honey and espresso. Since I will eventually be redoing all the furniture in our living room with brown and greens. I went with the espresso to match the rest of the room once I get it all redesigned.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

The Elementary Table offers a large work area and plenty of storage space. it has a shelf plus three storage cubbies. And the shelf, cubbies and legs are all back far enough into the table that the kids can still sit at the table and not bump their knees.

In each cubby I added 3 Chocolate brown folding storage bin organizers that fit perfectly. Inside each of these is where I store my homework station supplies such as extra #2 pencils, colored pencils, crayons, glue, scissors, stickers, glue sticks, markers, stamps, etc. Basically everything I stock up on during the back to school sales, I store here.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

The shelf is a great play to store coloring books, poster paper, other art supplies and the boogie boards!

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

Next the kids need a place to sit so I added three storage chairs. These matched perfect to the Elementary table and yet each chair has another storage shelf under the chair.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

I find this an ideal spot to store the library books! This way we can keep them separate from our home library books; so we never have to wonder where the City or School library books are.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

Next I added in a matching shelf that I got from a garage sale. Plus a Torchiere Floor Lamp because in a corner you can always use a bit more light. We finally unboxed the kids books. Well a few of them. We still need a few more shelves to unbox all of the books from our move. But at least this gets it started and so I don’t have books scattered all over my floor or couches while the kids are reading them. Plus I wanted a great place to house the more educational books we have collected over the years.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

To help keep the other homework supplies organized I also added this fantastic Recollections™ Storage Desktop Carousel from Michaels. It is actually designed for crafts, but I just love the organization power it offers with cubby slots for sticky notes, spots or crayons, pencils, paints and just about everything you need. It’s a great way to keep the supplies organized and out of the way.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

Now it comes in while and I’ve left it for now, but what do you think? Should I paint it with antiquing wax to give it a deeper brown color so it will match more, or leave it white?

It’s great because it allows a lot of storage space for pencils, pens, markers, scissors, tape, glue and lots more.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

The next thing we need is a way to organize papers that the kids will be bringing home. That is where Educational Insights comes to the rescue! Using the Horizontal Space Place storage chart and the Space Place Pocket Chart I am able to organize all the papers coming home from school, what needs to go back to school and what to keep on file at home.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

Plus I can label each pocket for each child and include papers that need to return to school, stay home, or art work to file away. I also use some of the pockets to store more supplies such a blank paper for projects, scissors, and rulers!

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

To help more with organizing I also added in a magnetic calender and magnetic board, to keep track of all dates of school, no school days, field trips, parents/teacher conferences, and to store the school calender.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

At this point I then added in the Boogie Boards. The Boogie Boards are just plain genius! The last few months the kids are always bugging me for scratch paper so they can work out their math homework or spelling practice. And then the paper just gets thrown away. I got tired of buying lots of paper to just get thrown away. So I knew our homework station had to have Boogie Boards!

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

A Boogie Board is an e-writer tablet that lets you write to your hearts content, and then with a push of a button is completely clears your screen and you are ready to start all over. It comes in multiple colors and designs and it is perfect for our homework station.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

They are small, lightweight and quite portable.

And Miss Jade just loves to color on hers, and it is a great way to help get her to practice writing her letters. Plus the boys love that they can use it for their math homework without having to constantly get new paper to work out their problems.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

Speaking of Math; I also added in the Melissa and Doug Wooden Abacus. I wanted to make sure the kids had plenty of tools to accomplish learning with ease.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

Next I added some cork boards, one for each child, so I can pin up papers that need to be signed, or the weekly/monthly reading charts, so we can keep track of them and be sure to sign and return at the end of the day/week/month.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

Speaking of places to store things, I also wanted a fun way to display the cute art projects the kids do in school or at home. So we installed the art line. I used a curtain drape wire rod set, trimmed down to fit the wall space. It features small hooks that easily hand from the suspended wire, and I can just clip the art project on and hang it up. When there are new art projects, they can easily be switched out for the new ones.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

And then the extra hooks that aren’t in use for the art line are easily stored on the hooks on the desktop carousel.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

Lastly, the decor. I ordered a custom wall vinyl with one of my favorite quotes about learning and knowledge by Socrates “Wisdom begins in Wonder”. I couldn’t find it already made, so I had it custom created at WiseDecor wall lettering. And then added in the open book vinyl from Eye Candy Designs.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

Now my kids have a designated area to do homework and projects. A place that is out of the way and without distractions. And I no longer have to have them clear up the homework for dinner time. They can leave it where it is, eat dinner and then return to finish the project.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

And with the new organizational element, I no longer have to wonder where the paper that i need to sign disappeared. Everything is in one location to help ensure I don’t miss signing important papers, or the kids won’t miss important homework assignments.

DIY Homework Station ideas, A centralized location for all School work

How does your family handle homework organization?

Do you have a homework station set up?


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  1. You are so organized! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the desk and the storage chairs. It’s so great that it fits all 3 of your kids. I want your set up.

  2. You did an awesome job on that I wish I had a bigger house and had room for something like that. My kids do their HW at the dining room table, but I make sure I have pencils and everything they need setup for when they get home.

  3. I need something like this in my house, except we do not have the room. I love the under the table storage solution you used.

  4. I love the idea of having a dedicated space for kids to do homework. It’s definitely better to have a place with minimal distractions instead of letting them lounge around and “forget” what they were doing!

  5. I love how pretty your homework station is! We have an entire ‘school/play’ room as most of my boys homeschool, but it has turned into one hot mess. Guess it is a great time to clear it out and get things set up nicely for everyone to get their work done.

  6. This is an amazing homework station. I love how organized it is. My kids always did homework at the kitchen table.

  7. This is so cute. My oldest will be in third grade and I think the homework is just going to get worse. I really need to make something like this for him and the girls.

  8. I absolutely love this! Now that my son will be in preschool I need a space to keep all of his work and where he can do his letters and such. What a great idea.

  9. Wish I had llittle ones at home soI can organize their working areas like this! That Elementary table is genius with the extra space in the bottom.

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  11. LOVE THIS! I am thinking about homeschooling or having a designated area for doing homework. I love this and will be using some of these ideas.

  12. I love that you have a spot for Library books, we need that! And I haven’t heard of those boogie boards but I’m going to look it up right now! Love that idea to save paper!

  13. You did a fantastic job, there! A homework space is so important. My daughter actually made her own when she was about 8.

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