Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids

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Keep the kids occupied while waiting for the feast with this cute apple turkey craft. An easy Thanksgiving craft that’s fun & delicious for kids of all ages

Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft that kids love

This Edible Thanksgiving Apple Turkey Kids Craft originally published Nov 13, 2015. It has been updated for your convenience. 

Thinking back on my memories of  Thanksgiving as a kid I am filled with a lot of nostalgia. I had a great childhood thanks to my amazing Mom. Even though she was busy balancing a budget to feed a family of 9 kids, run a full and crazy household, and manage a yard of grass and garden an acre large!

Through it all, she still managed to have time to do fun things with me. One of my favorite memories around Thanksgiving is a very simple Apple Turkey craft we built together. It took very little time. And was super easy. Yet it was a lot of fun to do with my mom.

Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft that kids love


So, this Thanksgiving; as I have been unable to give Miss Jade as much attention as usual due to having a new baby; I wanted to do something special with her. A fun Thanksgiving craft for kids. Yet since I still only get a few minutes between when Rose need’s my attention; our Thanksgiving craft has to be very simple!

And that is when I thought of what my Mom did! She probably didn’t have a lot of time to do an activity with me in between making 12 loaves of bread to get our big family through the week, washing endless loads of laundry and meal planning for such a large family. But she was able to squeeze in a few minutes for a simple activity.

So that is what I decided I was going to do. And best of all, I already had everything on hand!

Apple Turkey Supplies

You simply need a few things that will most likely already be in your home.

Take the apple and decide which end will be the front and which will be in the back.

Add one toothpick into the front for the head.

Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft that kids love


Then across the back of the apple add Toothpicks in a semi-circle to create the tail feathers of the turkey.

Next, stick the mini marshmallows onto the tail feathers to cover the toothpicks.

Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft that kids love


This is also a great learning opportunity for Toddlers, preschool-aged kids, and even Kindergarteners! Practice discussing what color of marshmallow they are using. And how many marshmallows they are using on each feather.

Then have them add up all the marshmallows from all the feathers together!


Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft that kids love

Next, add the one large Marshmallow on the front toothpick for the head.

Stick the 2 chocolate chips onto the large marshmallow for eyes and then the candy corn for the beak.

Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft that kids love


If you need you can use the frosting gel to help the chocolate chips and candy corn stick. I actually had to use 3 more toothpicks. Stick them through the large marshmallow so they are just barely poking through.

Stick the Chocolate chips and Candy Corn onto the toothpick end. Then trim off the extra toothpick in the back. Then attach to the toothpick in the front of the apple.

Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft that kids love


And now you are done!

Like I said, super simple! And you are left with a fun Apple Turkey craft. And best of all it is completely edible (minus the toothpicks and apple core that is)!

Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft that kids love


You just had activity time and snack time all while creating a special memory with your child! I can see why my Mom loved this activity so much. We were able to spend some quality time together, create memories and have a snack with no mess.

Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft that kids love

She kept me engaged, entertained and out of mischief with a simple Thanksgiving craft for kids! Man, you gotta love the Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft!

Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft that kids love


You may also like to try our easy Clay Pot Turkey Craft with your kids. Another simple craft that will help fill the day while they are waiting for the Thanksgiving feast!

DIY Clay Pot Turkey Craft for kids, Great Last minute Thanksgiving Craft

And check out our Thanksgiving Turkey Brine Recipe to make your Thanksgiving dinner better than ever!

Amazing Turkey Brine Recipe to have the best Turkey Ever!

Don’t forget the get your home ready for Thanksgiving with this fun and simple DIY Turkey Tulle Wreath Tutorial

DIY Turkey Tulle Wreath Best Thanksgiving Wreath for your door

I hope Jade will be able to look back on this time creating our Apple Turkey Craft with fondness just as I remember doing the same thing with my mom all those years ago.

After all, we are all busy moms who are creating memories with our children with each moment we spend together.


Be Sure to Share our Apple Turkey Craft with your friends and Family!


Apple Turkey Edible Thanksgiving Craft that kids love


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