Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe w/ a Nutritious Twist

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This Dirt Pudding Recipe is a sponsored article. I have been compensated by PediaSure for this post; however, I am sharing my own thoughts. All opinions are my own.

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

Ensuring your kids have a nutrient rich diet can be difficult on a regular day. You have to battle foods that are bland, foods that have been processed, foods that have added ingredients, and foods that meet some diet requirements but not others. Then you have to make sure you have a balance between the food groups.

And if all that wasn’t enough, then you have to throw in trivial things like a kid’s preference in taste and texture!

Why do they insist that their food taste good?

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

Then having a kid with sensory processing disorder with oral sensitivities like Miss Jade, is just adding insult to injury here!

A picky child is one thing. But a picky child with oral sensory processing disorder? Yeah, that food is NOT going into their mouth and getting swallowed!

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

So what can parents do to ensure their child gets a balanced diet?

Struggles with a Picky Eater

Thankfully in this modern age we have brilliant companies who understand that struggle of parenting. And the undertaking of a picky eater. And the battle of an oral sensory processing disorder picky child.

PediaSure is one of those companies. They understand that you can’t always get kids to eat a full balanced diet. They understand that some kids are more challenging than others.

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

And PediaSure Sidekicks is here to help. Pediasure Sidekicks helps ensure your picky eater is getting the nutrients they need!

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

The Pediasure Sidekicks shake is great for on-the-go, but can also be served as part of a meal.

For our home, mornings are the worst! I struggle getting miss Jade to eat breakfast.

She just doesn’t like to sit down and eat before 10am. So ensuring that she has a good meal in her stomach to start the day before leaving for school has been a royal battle!

So bring on Pediasure Sidekicks! They have been a great solution to the school morning breakfast battle!

Jade feels like she is getting a delicious drink. And I feel confident that Jade is getting a balanced start to her day.

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

The fun thing is not only can you let your child enjoy Pediasure Sidekicks in a regular drink form, but you can also cook with it!

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

You can create fun recipes for your picky eaters by substituting PediaSure Sidekicks where milk or water would be in the recipe. And you can choose between any of the 3 flavors Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry.

Next time you make muffins, use Pediasure Sidekicks! Or pancakes, french toast, smoothies, Mac n’ Cheese, or even pudding!

Easy Dirt Pudding with Pediasure Sidekicks

I can even hide nutrients in what Miss Jade thinks is a fun dessert after school! Like Worms in dirt pudding!

This not only is a great way to get in added nutrition but a fun activity to do together with your child.

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

We like to keep things simple so we made 2 servings, one for right after school and one to go along with dinner. Then we stored the rest of the pudding in the fridge for the next day to do it all over again!

Simply combine the Pediasure Sidekicks with a chocolate pudding mix. Allow to cool and set up in the fridge for about 5 minutes.

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

Sprinkle a crumbled cookie base into the dessert cups.

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

Spoon the pudding into individual cups.

Add gummy worms or bugs.

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

Sprinkle with crushed cookies on top.

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!


It’s so simple, yet so effective for a child to think they are getting a dessert. But at the same time, you know that it has added nutrients to help balance their diet!

Yield: 2

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 1 package chocolate pudding
  • 2 cups Pediasure Sidekicks vanilla flavor
  • 6-9 gummy worms
  • 6 crushed chocolate sandwich cookies


  1. Dump chocolate pudding mix into a bowl.
  2. Pour in Pediasure Sidekicks
  3. Mix until smooth.
  4. Cool in fridge for approximately 5 minutes or until set
  5. Crush cookies
  6. Sprinkle cookies into base of dessert cup
  7. Spoon pudding into the cup
  8. Insert gummy worms into pudding
  9. Sprinkle more crumbled cookies on top
  10. Enjoy
  11. Store extra pudding in the fridge for another day.


Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!After you put together  your fun worms in dirt pudding cups, store the extra pudding in an air-tight container in the fridge for another treat later.

You can pick up PediaSure Sidekicks at Walmart in the baby food section.

Picky Eater? Discover how to ensure your child gets the nutrition they need even when they are picky! Plus a simple worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe


CLICK HERE to learn more about PediaSure Sidekicks! Click HERE to discover how to save $3 off your Pediasure Sidekicks!

Worms in Dirt Pudding Recipe you can feel good about!

Tell us about your picky eater!

Which flavor of Pediasure Sidekicks will you use in your Dirt Pudding recipe?

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  1. I was a super picky eater as a kid. Thankfully I have gotten better over the years. One of daughters was picky over the temp of her food so everything had to be cold for a few years. Glad there are solutions for the picky kids thought!

  2. breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day so getting them to eat something healthy before school is vital!

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