Perfect Spicy Steak Recipe, Steakhouse flavor without the cost!

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A special thanks to Smiley360  for sending me free samples of Pompeian extra Virgin olive oil to use to create the perfect steak recipe. All opinions and experiences are completely my own. This post may contain affiliate links.

Perfect Spicy Steak Recipe, Steakhouse flavor without the cost! #sponsored

Do you like steak? We are avid steak fans in our house. We don’t eat them all the time. But we do love an amazing steak! I have always been really picky when it comes to steak flavor! I want a lot of flavor. I want juicy. Basically I want how our steakhouse cooks the steak! Yum! But we can’t always pay the steakhouse prices. I’ve spent the last 11 years of our marriage trying to find the perfect steak recipe. I’ve tried many concoctions. And I’m so excited (beyond the moon excited) to share that I think I have finally done it!

Creating the perfect steak recipe

How many of you would love to hear your husband say “of all the steaks I can remember eating. This is definitely the best!” Over something you cooked? Well my husband just said that to me! Mind you we have eaten at many steakhouses! We have eaten steak at many different restaurants! And I was able to make the best steak with a few common household spices!

A steak this good deserves to be shared! So I’m sharing my secret for this perfect spicy steak recipe! Now, ours was a little on the spicy side, because we love a good kick. But I’ll even show you how to cut down on the spice and preserve the flavor, so that it is kid friendly too!

What I love even more, is just how simple this steak recipe is! I’ve tried so many elaborate recipes. And while they tasted alright, they just didn’t give you that “OH MY GOODNESS I’M IN HEAVEN” feeling…you know? This one did. At least for our taste buds it did.

You only need five ingredients too!

Perfect Spicy Steak Recipe, Steakhouse flavor without the cost! #sponsored

Place the steak in a shallow dish. Drizzle a little of the Pompeian olive oil over the top. Not a lot. Do not saturate it. Just a light drizzle to allow a very light covering over the surface.

Perfect Spicy Steak Recipe, Steakhouse flavor without the cost! #sponsored

Then dash the surface with all of the seasonings. I do each seasoning one at a time. Making sure each one had a good dusting across the surface.

Note: if you want less spicy, cut back on the amount of Cheyenne pepper you add. That is the only difference between the perfect spicy steak recipe and the perfect family steak recipe that even kids will eat.

Turn the steak over and do the same on the second side of the steak. If you have more than one steak to cook up. Add the next steak on top and do the same process for all of the steaks you will be cooking. Cover the dish and then place in the fridge to marinate. You will want to marinate it for at least 10 minutes. But it turns out better after about 20 minutes marinating.

Perfect Spicy Steak Recipe, Steakhouse flavor without the cost! #sponsored

The key is that you have to grill these steaks. Be it an indoor grill or outdoor grill, the key is that they are grilled. And don’t give me that “it’s cold” or “it’s passed grilling season” as an excuse. You will find me out in a coat and boots in the middle of a snowstorm grilling. (Seriously, just ask my neighbors. They see me all the time and are a little jealous of the smells I send through the neighborhood). I just can’t sacrifice flavor just because the weather isn’t nice.

To ensure you get the perfect grilling, follow this amazing How to grill the perfect steak tutorial! It really is spot on! Always make sure you preheat the grill. Don’t leave your steaks too long. Don’t leave them unattended. I usually grill my steaks for 3-4 minutes each side to get them browned perfectly, then lower the temperature and move them away from the direct flames to finish cooking. It makes a huge difference.

Perfect Spicy Steak Recipe, Steakhouse flavor without the cost! #sponsored

Once you have your steaks cooked to the perfect level remove them from the grill and lightly cover with aluminum foil for 5 minutes. This allows the flavors to really blend well. If you cut into your steak too soon after removing it from the grill, all the juices and flavor will run right out.

Perfect Spicy Steak Recipe, Steakhouse flavor without the cost! #sponsored

Perfect Spicy Steak Recipe, Steakhouse flavor without the cost! #sponsored

Now the time has arrived. You can bite into the amazing morsel of the perfect spicy steak recipe! We like to round off our dinners with a salad and when I’m really motivated a potato dish of some kind (come on; we’re in Idaho, it has to be a potato). Or even our amazing faux rice dish when we want to eat more gluten free.

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Perfect Spicy Steak Recipe, Steakhouse flavor without the cost!

Perfect Spicy Steak Recipe, Steakhouse flavor without the cost!

The perfect spicy steak recipe that competes with your local steakhouse.


  • McCormick California Style Garlic Pepper
  • Famous Dave's Steak burger seasoning
  • Cheyenne pepper (ground red pepper)
  • Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive oil Robust flavor
  • steak cut of your choice. We used Chuck steak cut.


  1. Place the steak in a shallow dish.
  2. Drizzle a little of the Pompeian olive oil over the top. Not a lot. do not saturate it. Just a light drizzle to allow a very light covering over the surface.
  3. Then dash the surface with all of the seasonings. I do each seasoning one at a time. Making sure each one had a good dusting across the surface.
  4. Note: if you want less spicy, cut back on the amount of Cheyenne pepper you add. That is the only difference between the perfect spicy steak recipe and the perfect family steak recipe that even kids will eat.
  5. Turn the steak over and do the same on the second side of the steak.
  6. Do the same process for all of the steaks you will be cooking.
  7. Cover the dish and then place in the fridge to marinate.
  8. You will want to marinate it for at least 10 minutes. But it turns out better after about 20 minutes marinating.
  9. Cook on a grill to the desired level
  10. Remove from the grill and cover with foil for 5 minutes allowing juices and flavor to distribute throughout the meat
  11. Enjoy


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What would you eat with our perfect spicy steak recipe?

Have you tried out spicy steak recipe? How did it turn out? We want to hear!

How do you like to use Pompeian Extra virgin olive oil?





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  1. It’s been a while since I’ve had a good steak. I wouldn’t mind one right now with a side salad and some garlic mashed potatoes!

    1. The olive oil was the key to having the perfect steak that wasn’t dried out. I’ve used the same spices before on a steak, but it never came out this good before. It’s amazing how if you miss just one key ingredient, just how different it turns out.

  2. We use a lot of olive oil in our cooking. It really is very good for you! We are also huge steak fans…we get ours from a local farmer and it is delicious!

  3. I would love to add olive oil to my steaks, they look so delicious. I will have to try this recipe the next time we have steaks thanks for this.

  4. Your steak looks fantastic! I would add to that a loaded baked potato and a salad. Then, I’d be one happy camper!

  5. We always use Pompeian! This looks so good – I’m totally craving some steak now, lol! When we eat steak we usually go for salad and some sort of potato dish as a side too, the meal just seems more complete that way. Would this recipe work just as well with chicken or seafood – or would you have to leave out the burger seasoning?

  6. We use olive oil all the time for stir fry or pasta dishes. I’m a vegetarian, but my husband LOVES a good steak. He has actually started developing an interest for learning how to create his own marinades, so I’m going to e-mail this article to him! He actually complained that the last steak he made himself was a little dry, and I know he didn’t use olive oil. Thanks for the information, as I am obviously of little help to him when it comes to meat, even if I do love to cook. 😉

  7. Now, that looks so yummy! It is frustrating to not find the steak that we want. We could only eat yummy steaks if we go to the restaurant. Thanks for sharing this.

  8. This sounds amazing. No one in my family has ever said that about anything I’ve ever cooked, but my fingers are crossed that if I try this, they will.

  9. My husband and sons are lovers of all thing steak. I never seem to make it to my satisfaction, anyway. I would love to try this the next time we have steak. It looks delicious. Thank you!

  10. Yum! I am part of a family of steak lovers. I wondered how to get the steakhouse flavor. You can bet I will be making these this weekend. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  11. AMBER!!!! Do you know how hard I hunt to find Famous Dave’s products? I used to buy it from the restaurant but I moved down south and we don’t have one anymore. I’m suffering! I got carried away when I saw that as an ingredient, and your steak looks crazy delish!

    1. I got addicted to famous daves steak &burger seasoning when we lived in Kansas! When we moved back to Idaho, I about freaked out that I wouldn’t have it anymore. Thankfully our grocery store started carrying it 2 months after we moved here. But you can get it on amazon if your grocery stores don’t have it. Seriously go through this seasoning almost as much as our sea salt. Lol

  12. I love steaks, especially Diana and pepper. Haven’t tried to soak the meat in olive oil (actually I don’t personally like olive oil, although hubby loves it), but I think if i use virgin coconut oil (when it’s in liquid form) should work just as well. Both oils are extremely healthy, so I’ll give this a try next time I make steaks for lunch.

  13. My husband is a big steak fan so he would love this recipe. When we were kids, my mother used to prepare steak for us once in awhile and it was a real treat. She uses many of the seasonings that you use in your recipe.

  14. I love the photos. We have steak once a week and I love using olive oil. This would help keep it from drying out-yum!

  15. I actually bought steak today at the grocery store for dinner as it is my entire family’s favorite thing to eat. I am going to scour my pantry to see if I have the rest of the ingredients because I am always looking for a good new steak recipe. Thanks

  16. Drool! My that looks really great! I bet it would taste even better on the grill too ( for summer) Now I’m hungry. My Fav olive oil as well , it’s the best

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