How to Freeze Currants for Year Long Use | Food Storage Series
Many of you may not know what a currant is, but let me tell you it is amazing! You definitely need to find a way to get access to these amazing little berry type delights! Currants are the berries from a Fast Growing Shrub; that grow in a clustered ‘grape-like’ fashion. They are a little on the bitter/sour side. But they can be turned into some of the most amazing treats. Because of my love of currants I love to enjoy them all year long, so I’m going to share with you how to freeze currants without sugar so you can enjoy them all winter long!
Freeze Currants for use all year long.
I love freezing currants because it allows me to use them just as if they were fresh off the bush. And if you freeze currants properly, you can enjoy for a full year until your current bush is ready for harvest the next year! You never have to go without your fresh currants again!
To begin you simply wash the currants, just like anything else. You want to sort through and make sure all stems have been removed. You also want to look out for dried up berries that could have gotten mixed in, leaves, twigs, etc. Due to their outer skin on the currants you don’t need to add any lemon juice, or sugar to help store them well in the freezer.
Once the berries are all clean, let them drain until they are no longer wet on the outside. Then spread them into a single layer on a cookie sheet.
You will freeze currants until they are fairly solid. You don’t want them to squish when you package them. This can happen anywhere from 5 hours to 24 hours. It all depends on how many currants you have, and where you place the cookie sheet in your freezer.
Now my preferred method of storing frozen foods in my freezer is by using a FoodSaver. I’m not paid by them to say that. It is simply because it is the most effective way to keep your food fresh and free of freezer burn. But if you don’t have a FoodSaver, you will want to use the highest quality freezer bag you can find. And be sure to remove as much air as possible before you seal up your currants into the freezer.
I estimate the size of FoodSaver bag I will need for the amount of currants I have. Then I make sure to label the bag before I put the currants inside. It is just a lot easier to label the bag while it is flat instead of after all the bumpy currants are inside. But make sure you label with a sharpie permanent marker. You don’t want your labeling to come off. And make sure you label at minimum the month and year and produce you are putting into the bag. This will help you with your food storage rotation and also help you know to use the oldest first.
Using a spatula, remove the currants from the cookie sheet. Then fill the FoodSaver bag, or the freezer bag you will be using. I then use the FoodSaver to suck all the air out of the bag. Just to be on the safe side, I used the Wet setting on my FoodSaver. It did a fantastic job on compacting all the currants together and keeping all the air out.
Now you are done! That’s it. It is super simple to freeze currants for use all year long. With the Foodsaver method your currants should now last about 1 year or a little longer. If you are using a Freezer bag method, you can expect your currants to last from 3-6 months based on how much air you removed, the quality of the bag and where in your freezer you store it.
Now you can use your currants just like fresh currants! My favorite method is making current muffins. They are a huge family favorite. And for them you keep the currants frozen. But you can also make amazing jams, jellies and syrups from currants as well! I made the most amazing Raspberry, Blueberry, Current jam a few years ago. I’m almost out now, so I’m excited to make a new batch for our food storage shelves!
Looking for more techniques to freeze produce? Try our tutorial on How to Freeze Raspberries or How to Freeze peaches without Sugar! Both are a hit and allow you to enjoy these favorites all winter long.
What are your favorite things to create with currants?
Have you ever tried to freeze currants before?
Now I just need to know what to do with them. LOL Thanks for the great tute!
I don’t think i’ve ever had a fresh currant before. That Food Saver looks pretty cool though. I think I need one.
I love fresh berries and frozen is the next best thing. I really need a sealer.
OK, I’m gonna admit I’ve never had currants but this makes me super curious! I’m going to try them and if I love them, I’ll know how to freeze them!
that’s good to know, thank you for that
I have never used Currants before, but I would love to have a Food Saver some day! This is a great way to freeze Currants. Thanks for sharing.
They look so yummy, I would love to have fresh currants in the winter when they aren’t in season.
I need to get a Foodsaver, so I can buy in season and freeze. Great idea!
Freezing currants seems like a great idea. We don’t really use these in this part of the country and I don’t know why. They are delicious.
You know I am not 100% sure that I have ever had a currant. They look yummy, though. 🙂
Great tips although I don’t think I’ve ever bought currants.
I don’t think you can buy currants in the stores. At least I’ve never seen them. I think you have to grow your own or know someone with a currant bush. But they are so worth it. They are quite hardy plants.
You’d laugh, but I actually physically sucked air out of the bag yesterday before putting it in the freezer
You are awesome!! So not laughing, that is brilliant if you don’t have a foodsaver!!
Hey,it works!! 🙂
We use our FoodSaver for everything, especially preserving harder to find spices and fruits over the Winter. Thanks for the tutorial!
You know, I have had recipes for years that call for currents but I never could find them and my mom said they were raisins. Those are obviously not raisins, and I want to know where to find them!
So yummy! I actually never tried currant before. Now I need to try this!!
I am going to have to look into growing them next year. They are so pretty to look and and growing next to Blueberries would make that entire section of the yard full of birds and bees and butterflies.
Currants!? I’ve never used Currants Amber. I’ve never even thought much about them. I’m going to do more research on using them in my cooking because I bet they are high in vitamins with such a beautiful color! I freeze EVERYTHING!! I don’t have Vacuum Sealer’s something I’ve always wanted!
Honestly, I have never had Currants, but really want to after seeing this post. They look so good! I do have a Food Saver, but need to learn how to use it better. Like what needs to be Flash Frozen before it is sealed.
I’m wondering if you store them all in one bag and just reseal it after each opening — re-remove the air each time? Or do you have an idea of how much you’ll use for each project and freeze bags for each?
This looks great! A friend just gave me a bush this year so I’m hoping for a few berries next year. Thanks!
I do a mixture of bags. Some are specifically portioned for recipes like my currant muffins. And others are just big bags. I unseal them, take out what I need and then reveal the bag and get it back into the freezer before anything begins to thaw.
Thanks, Amber! I can’t wait to try this, too!