Easy DIY Baymax Shirts for the #BigHero6Release!

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Going to the movie theater with young children is always a good way to stress out. Will they sit through the whole movie? Will they get scared? Will they stay quiet and so as not to disturb others? Will they be interested in the whole movie? Or am I paying $30 to roam the halls with a bored three-year-old?

When I saw previews for Big Hero 6, I knew we had to take the kids to see it! We waited for a special occasion and hit the theater for a night on the town. Actually, I think it was a matinee. No matter.

The movie was perfect! Everything my kids needed in order to stay entertained. There was action and suspense (and karate!) for my 5 year old, and a sweet, huggable robot for my daughter. Not to mention a pretty superhero whose weapon is a purse that makes “bubble gum.” That helped.

My kids reenacted scenes from the movie for weeks! They walked around whispering to each other, “We jumped out a wiiiindow!”

Well, here we are, months later, and they still talk about Baymax. With the movie release tomorrow, I knew this was a perfect time to show our Baymax pride!

DIY Baymax shirts for the Big Hero 6 Release!



To make this amazing Baymax shirts, we headed to Walmart. We went to the Women’s, Boys’ and Girls’ sections and found plain white shirts for all of us!

Next we headed over to the craft section. At this point, I was texting my good friend at I Married Superman and asking her the best way to paint a shirt. Here’s what she told me: puff paint! Seriously. You can paint it flat so it’s not puffy, then seal it and it won’t wash off. It doesn’t smell and it’s bendable, instead of stiff. The woman’s a professional, so I took her for her word and bought the puff paint.

Now, Baymax has two black circles for eyes, and a black line that connects them. For days I struggled to figure out what I could use to make the perfect circles for the eyes. A ketchup bottle lid? A bouncy ball? Drawing a circle and filling it in? Sure, all those things would probably work. But when I got to Walmart, all my problems were solved.


Baymax shirt supplies from Walmart

There, like destiny shining in a plastic bag, were round sponge paintbrushes! Less than $3 for a multi-pack? You better believe it.

So, I had my shirts, my paint and my brushes. I was ready to get to work.

We invited a cousin over to help us with our shirts. We couldn’t let something like this go unshared!

Now sit back and pay attention, because this awesome Baymax shirt is really hard to do. 😉

Baymax Shirt

White shirt (prewashed)
Black Puff Paint
Round brush for eyes
Flat brush
A scrap piece of fabric

First, protect your surfaces. There isn’t a lot of paint in this project, but it dries quickly. Put down a garbage bag for protection (I have a clear plastic table cloth). Since the shirts are white, I would avoid putting down newspaper. Put a smock or apron on your kids. Again, not a lot of paint, but it’s black and dries fast.

Baymax 1

Next, lay your white shirt out and smooth it flat.

Mark where you want the eyes to go with a marker or pen.

Baymax 2

This was simply so my kids knew where to put the paintbrush. Coat the whole surface of the round brush. Gently paint one black circle over a pen mark by stamping the brush against the shirt.

Baymax 4

Reapply the paint to the brush and stamp the other side. Next, draw a thin line of paint from one eye to the other and let them paint it flat. (Or, pour some paint on the plate and they can paint the line themselves, like Seth is doing below.)

Baymax 5


Be prepared for some proud smiles when they’ve finished the shirt all by themselves.

Baymax 6

I told you, it’s really hard. 😉 My three-year-old did it (mostly) by herself. Seriously.

Let the shirt dry for about an hour.

Baymax 8

When it is dry to the touch, heat up the iron. Lay the shirt on the ironing board and smooth it flat. Put a piece of scrap fabric over the design and iron for about 15 – 20 seconds. I would do five second increments, let the fabric cool for a few seconds, then do it again.

Sealing the paint

Gently peel off the scrap fabric and let the shirt cool. Since it’s prewashed, you can enjoy it immediately! Wait 72 hours before washing the design.

The actual painting takes less time than the cleanup. It’s such an easy craft, but the results are amazing. Look at these smiles!

Baymax shirts

My mom actually stopped by for a quick visit the day after we made shirts. (It’s a long story!) She was with us for about 24 hours before she had to fly home. The kids were so excited to show her their new Baymax shirts. She asked if they owned Big Hero 6. I told her not yet, since it doesn’t come out until the 24th. (That’s tomorrow people!!) She pulled out her iPad and bought Big Hero 6 right then and there! (Aren’t Grandma’s the best?!) And the cool thing is, your purchase of the Big Hero 6 Blu-Ray/DVD + Gift With Purchase Set includes a digital movie on Vudu while supplies last! Simply scan your receipt using the Savings Catcher in the Walmart app. Then look for a message on your phone or email. Now you can watch Big Hero 6 on any device!

Does your son/daughter/niece/nephew/grandchild love Big Hero 6? Hurry over to Walmart. You can make this craft so quickly (the longest part is the drying) and then wear your Baymax shirts while you watch the movie after it’s release tomorrow. Did I mention the movie comes out tomorrow? I’m so excited. I can’t wait. But I have to. Our copy won’t be here for a few days. But, you can bet your bottom dollar what we’ll be watching for our weekly Friday Night Movie Night. And you know we’ll be wearing our Baymax shirts and rockin’ them like a boss.

Thumbs up for Baymax shirts!

If you can’t wait either and need a Wasabi fix, or maybe Hiro is more your guy. If your little ones can’t wait to see Go Go in action, or watch Honey Lemon rock that purse, go to Walmart.com and check out all their Big Hero 6 merchandise.

How will YOU be celebrating the release of Big Hero 6? Who do you know that could use a Baymax shirt?

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  1. We LOOOVE Big Hero 6. one of our faves. This is fun! 😀 and I love the faces. 🙂 oh and yes, Gmas can be super great!

  2. I just love how these are so simple, but so unique to each child. What a wonderful craft and a great project for any Big Hero 6 birthday parties coming up! #client

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