How to get a Weed Free Flower Bed
I am participating in a sponsored campaign hosted by Advil® I received compensation for this post. All opinions stated are my own.
This summer has kept us on the go. With very little time to maintain our yard. And because of that our flower bed became a disaster! We went away for 1 week and came home to a forest of weeds! We knew there had to be a better way! So we put together a simple weed barrier to keep our flower bed looking beautiful and will require very minimal effort on our part to keep it looking beautiful for the rest of the year!
Weed Free Flower Bed

In the front of our house we have this fun landscaped flower bed. And we turned the top layer into a rose garden. The only issue is that we are constantly facing weeds! Lots of weed!
Now, I wish I would have taken a photo of the weed patch before we started. It was bad! You seriously could not see any dirt! It was our flowers and then tons of grass, weeds and even a few alpha alpha bushes mixed in from the field nearby!

Now being 8 months pregnant it was a task that was beyond what I could pull off. Even with the kid’s help. So we hired a few young men from our neighborhood to come do a thorough weeding to get us started.
And then we had to leave town again…
Thankfully when we returned the weeds weren’t at bad. So for a family project we all went to task to get this flower bed under control. Because let’s face it; I will NOT be doing anything here after the baby arrives! But I don’t want it to return to looking like a forest of weeds!

Step 1: Weed! This is the first task to getting a weed free flower bed! You want to make sure you clear out all the weeds first. If you don’t you will just be seeing them come right back up. Start with a well weeded garden bed. You don’t have to have it perfect. The tiny weeds you can ignore. But the big ones absolutely must go!

Step 2: Place a weed barrier down. After all the weeds are removed, you will begin to lay out weed barrier fabric. Do be picky on this! Make sure you pick one with a 20 year or more lifespan guarantee! The last thing you want is to have to redo this project next year!

You can find the weed barrier fabric at most home improvement stores or many places that sell gardening supplies. But again, make sure it is quality, thick and has a good life guarantee.
Lay the fabric down around the plants you want to keep. As you come close to the plant, you can cut a small slit into the fabric so it will lay around the base of the plant closely.
Ensure the entire garden or flower bed area is covered with the weed barrier fabric. You may want to even slightly over lap the sheets, to ensure no weeds can sneak up between the cracks.
Now our project is almost complete. But let me tell you, just by this point alone we were all in pain. Gardening is quite the back breaking job!
Thankfully we had some Advil on hand!
Advil® is a must-have for your tool belt to help with the aches and pains associated with apartment, home and outdoor DIY.

So at the end of the DIY Weed Barrier project make sure you grab a few Advil® to help with the aches and pains. I know the husband sure needs it after all the work we put into our project. It really helps relieve the pain and keeps him moving so he can get back to work the next day instead of using a sick day to recover.
And make sure to come back soon, to see the end result of our DIY weed free flower bed!

This summer home improvement expert Carter Oosterhouse is teaming up with Advil® to help consumers get through their toughest DIY projects. Upload photos of your DIY project to Twitter or Instagram from now until September 7th using both #DIYrelief and #AdvilSweepstakes to enter for daily prizes. A grand prize winner will win a video conference call with Carter, where he’ll help you plan a DIY project for your home as well as $15,000 CASH to use toward a tough DIY project.
Visit for more information on how Advil® can take the pain out of DIY.

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