Easy Portable DIY Lego Tray Table

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This DIY LEGO Tray Play Station has been compensated by #CollectiveBias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. We hope you enjoy how we use #TargetToys in our Portable LEGO table Tray Play Station birthday present. This creation was originally published Oct 1, 2014. It has been updated for your convenience. 

Our kids have enjoyed this portable LEGO tray table for over 3 years. And still, after 3 years this LEGO tray play station is still going strong and consistently played with by our children. On a weekly if not daily basis. It truly is one of the best homemade gifts you can create for your kids.

DIY Lego Tray play station Homemade Gift for LEGO lovers

Do your kids like LEGOS? Silly question right? All kids love LEGOS! They are the best toys on earth according to my kids. Honestly, I haven’t met a kid yet that didn’t like them. And they aren’t just for boys either.


DIY Lego Tray play station Homemade Gift for LEGO lovers

Girls absolutely love LEGOS too! And it’s no wonder! Have you ever stopped to consider the educational value of LEGOS?

DIY Lego Tray play station Homemade Gift for LEGO lovers

Just a few of the benefits of playing with LEGOS include:

  • Builds creativity
  • Develops fine motor skills
  • Improves cognitive thinking
  • Improves spacial recognition
  • Strengthens child’s skills
  • Builds confidence
  • Aides in problem-solving skills
  • Strengthens patience, persistence, and perseverance
  • Allows kids to see uniqueness is good
  • Increases awareness of engineering
  • Encourages cooperation and teamwork
  • A calming and soothing activity for kids with sensory disorders
  • A communication building activity
  • And much more!

Miss Jade’s therapists often used LEGOS and building as a means to help her with distinguishing between colors, shapes, sorting, building skills, dexterity, and to encourage communication and language. There are so many benefits to playing with LEGOS.

DIY Lego Tray play station Homemade Gift for LEGO lovers

With all these benefits I figured it is time that Miss Jade have the opportunity to play with LEGOS at home. Wouldn’t you?

But here is the problem. My boys are possessive of their LEGOS. They seriously have a freak out panic attack if Jade touches their massive collection of LEGOS. I’m talking about 5 big storage bins full of LEGOS. And they can’t share with their sister. Good grief!

DIY Lego Tray play station Homemade Gift for LEGO lovers

So for Jade’s 5th, and I decided I was to get her something really special. Her very own portable LEGO tray table play station with her own LEGOS. So she could still enjoy all the benefits of LEGOS without the boys having meltdowns each time she touches their LEGOS.

DIY Lego Tray play station Homemade Gift for LEGO lovers



Since this was for Jade’s birthday I wanted to make it really special. The boys have a small LEGO table in the basement that she loves to play with. And frankly, there is no way I’m going to be OK with LEGOS on the floor for me to step on. No thank you!

DIY Lego Tray play station Homemade Gift for LEGO lovers

Jade needed a designated LEGO table play station. So that is when I came up with this fun and portable DIY LEGO Tray table play station. It is perfect because it is condensed, contained, and yet still portable for traveling around the house. Or if we go on trips it can even go in the car with us!

DIY Lego Tray play station Homemade Gift for LEGO lovers

Create a Portable DIY LEGO Tray Table

The LEGO tray table is really easy to create and only takes a few pieces, some glue and very little time.

DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination!

Lay out the LEGO green building plates on the serving tray. Line them up to fit right. Since our tray was 20″ by 15″ we had to take one of the 10X10″ building plates and cut it in half. But I simply measured and trimmed until it fit perfectly.

DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination!

Make sure you use extra little LEGO pieces to ensure that the plates are spaced correctly at the edges. If the building plates are too close together then the LEGO pieces won’t fit.

DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination!

Then take each tray and put the pro-bond glue on the back and replace on the serving tray. Make sure they are spaced right that the LEGO pieces will still fit. To do this I used an actual LEGO piece to connect each building plate to make sure it was correctly spaced.

DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination! DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination!

Then place something heavy on top like a book, to keep the pressure on the plates until the glue dries. Thankfully I had just received a big heavy package in the mail, so I put that on top. It worked great.

I originally had an idea for a fun LEGO storage box to go with it. And while I didn’t have it ready in time for Miss Jade’s Birthday I did get it done by that Christmas! So also check out this Travel LEGO Table Treasure Box.

DIY Travel Lego Table Treasure Box

While you wait for the glue to dry on the building plates, you can decorate and personalize the LEGO tray table play station. My favorite is using vinyl letters that spell out your child’s name.

My Sister-in-law has a cool Cricut machine so she cut the letters and butterflies out for me. Jade and I both have a weakness for butterflies. So that was a fun and a very simple way to personalize her LEGO tray table play station.

DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination! DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination!

The very last step is to fill the LEGO tray table play station with the new LEGOS building sets. Tie with a ribbon and you are set for the coolest Birthday or Christmas present any kid could ever ask for!

DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination!

DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination!

I pulled some of the fun LEGOS out of the box and set them up early so Jade could see she was getting LEGOS with her LEGO tray.

I must admit, putting together LEGOS is rather fun! And they have some really cute sets for girls! These LEGO Friends are so cute! I almost wanted to keep the set and LEGO tray table for myself!

DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination! DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination! DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination!

Jade absolutely loves her LEGO tray play station! I personally loved the legs on this LEGO tray table as it gives a good surface for her while she is on her bed or on the floor.

It can sit perfectly in her lap or right in front of her with the legs down. Yet the legs can fold up and it’s perfect for traveling in the car too!

DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination! DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination!

I love how mobile the tray is. When miss Jade brings home a nasty cold from school, I’m able to put her LEGO Tray Table in her lap and she can be entertained even when she’s feeling under the weather. It can be used in her room, in her bed, on the couch, or in the play room. It’s extremely portable.

DIY Lego Tray play station Homemade Gift for LEGO lovers

And I can carry it around the house to wherever she is laid up. It has kept her entertained for hours on end as she creates her own building creations.

DIY Lego Tray play station; The Best Toys for Creating imagination!


Do you have a little one that would love our LEGO tray play station?

Like this DIY LEGO Tray play station? Be sure to Pin it for later. 

DIY Lego Tray play station Homemade Gift for LEGO lovers

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  1. Now I am mad at myself. I bought a Lego lap trap for my boys and paid really good money for it. I could have made one for A LOT less 🙁

  2. I’ve already told you on facebook, but it can’t hurt to say it again – I LOVE THIS! Seriously, I think it’s going on our Christmas present list. We had to take our kids LEGO’s away because they wouldn’t pick them up, and they just ended up everywhere. If we do this, it might just help.

    1. I have just loved this LEGO tray! Jade actually keeps her LEGOS IN the tray and not scattered all over the floor. My feet are very happy. lol. Though if my craft store ever gets that final piece in stock I will also have a great LEGO storage option for when she gets even more LEGOS.

  3. That is the cutest thing ever! My little one loves Legos and this would be perfect for a Christmas gift. We’ve gone to LegoLand, Lego KidsFest, and have a huge supply of Legos because he is obsessed. This DIY Lego Tray Play Station would be a great way to keep him still and having fun in one place.

  4. This is great- I think I will make one of these for a Christmas gift this year, mom and child are sure to love it! I especially like that it can be moved from one room to the next without disturbing creations!

  5. I love this idea! It makes keeping those pesky Lego pieces more organized and at hand when your child wants to play with them. Plus, it makes whatever they create portable.

  6. Wow what a great and easy idea! My kids absolutely loved legos when they were little! They would spend hours building things! This would have been very handy, and they would have loved it!

  7. This is such a clever idea. When my kids were in the Lego phase, I found them everywhere – the couch, the beds, the bathroom…

  8. This is so great! Legos are one of those toys that you’re so happy your kids are playing with, but at the same time you’re like, “ANOTHER one up the vacuum cleaner?”

  9. That is such a cute idea. My youngest (and I) love Legos and this would make it so easy to get them out and put them away.

  10. This is such a great idea for helping keep clutter down! My kids are pretty good at not getting too craze messy, as long as they have a container or something, like this. Love it!

  11. Wow! That tray is so cute, and perfect for playing for Lego’s. I like that you can sit up close to them so you can see all the teeny tiny pieces.

  12. Pingback: DIY LEGO Tray Play Station - Inspiration DIY
  13. These are fabulous and I’m considering building two for my nephews. What did you use to cut the lego boards? Did you need a special type of scissors?

    1. I actually just used some sharp kitchen scissors. Nothing special. They aren’t too hard.
      OH your nephews will love them! My daughter still 2 months later spends at least 2 hours a day playing with her LEGO kits on her LEGO tray play station. And she never takes them out of the tray station so I love not having the LEGO pieces scattered around my house.

  14. I have children with multiple disabilities. This is PERFECT for our multiple hospital trips. I’m headed to the store tomorrow morn to nab the supplies! THANK YOU!

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  18. I love this! Going to be making them for my three kiddos this year for Christmas! Thanks for sharing!!
    Just one question.. How did you cut the base plates?

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  21. I “LOVE” this idea!! I have always seen the table, but it’s really to big. This is the perfect size and I like how I can store the box of Lego’s under the tray! Thank you for sharing this!

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